Best Laid Plans Going Astray Again… Slight Delay on an Item or Two

No one’s ever accused me of being being organized even under ideal circumstances.

Having recently completed a move of home and work, circumstances (organization-wise) are far from ideal right now.

As I sat down to try to compose a promised comparison of UK and US coverage of consciousness research, I realized that some of the material I need isn’t available on the web any more.

It probably is available on my flash drive at home, though. Needless to say, I’m not home or I wouldn’t be writing this.

If all goes well, tomorrow I’ll be able to bring the drive with my files, have the IT people here check it for viruses and then copy everything I need to the computer in my office. If everything goes well, I’ll be able to write that promised piece tomorrow. If there are a few glitches, look for it on Monday.

Fortunately (or not) there are a couple of things I can write about today that don’t require access to my old files. They’re up next. –Stephen Drake