Alzheimer’s Association Releases Statement Severing Ties with Compassion & Choices

On January 29th, the Alzheimer’s Association released a statement indicating that they are cutting ties with Compassion & Choices, the leading pro-assisted suicide organization in the U.S. Importantly, they stated that “Their values are inconsistent with those of the Association.” 

We hope this will spur deeper consideration and conversation among national medical organizations who are currently allied with Compassion & Choices.

Below is the Alzheimer’s Association’s statement reprinted in full: 

Chicago, January 29, 2023 — In an effort to provide information and resources about Alzheimer’s disease, the Alzheimer’s Association entered into an agreement to provide education and awareness information to Compassion & Choices, but failed to do appropriate due diligence. Their values are inconsistent with those of the Association. We deeply regret our mistake, have begun the termination of the relationship, and apologize to all of the families we support who were hurt or disappointed. Additionally, we are reviewing our process for all agreements including those that are focused on the sharing of educational information.

As a patient advocacy group and evidence-based organization, the Alzheimer’s Association stands behind people living with Alzheimer’s, their care partners and their health care providers as they navigate treatment and care choices throughout the continuum of the disease. Research supports a palliative care approach as the highest quality of end-of-life care for individuals with advanced dementia.

Note: h/t to Alexander Raikin for the article on this.

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