NDY Activities

Not Dead Yet staff, board members and activists engage in a variety of strategies to achieve our goals. Some of our activities are described below.


Not Dead Yet leaders and activists have written numerous opinion pieces published in mainstream newspapers and online news outlets. Read more about our Op-Eds.


Numerous powerful and thoughtful articles by Not Dead Yet Board members, staff and volunteers have been published in both mainstream and disability media outlets on a wide range of topics related to the organization’s goals. Read moreabout our Articles .


Not Dead Yet publishes a blog to highlight news and provide commentary related to the organization’s goals. Stephen Drake, winner of a 2001 Positive Images Award from TASH for “Exemplary Achievement in Disability Media Coverage and Advancement,” is the primary blogger. Read our latest blog entries on our home page or visit our blog archives.

Friend-of-the-Court briefs

Not Dead Yet files friend-of-the-court briefs in cases that relate to the organization’s goals, opposing assisted suicide and hospital futility policies, and advocating for constitutional and civil rights limits on the powers of surrogate decision makers to withhold life sustaining treatment. Read moreabout our Court Briefs .

Public Presentations

Not Dead Yet leaders are invited to provide keynote speeches, plenary remarks, guest lectures and panel presentations at conferences, universities and public policy forums. They also provide workshops and exhibit booths at conferences and public events. Read more about our Public Presentations.

Legislative efforts

Not Dead Yet President/CEO Diane Coleman has provided invited testimony four times before subcommittees of the U.S. House and Senate. Not Dead Yet has also submitted written testimony opposing bills to legalize assisted suicide and other NDY issues in individual states and provided technical assistance to disability advocates who testify in their home states. Read more about our Legislative efforts.

Policy work

Not Dead Yet engages in dialogue and provides input to policy makers in a variety of contexts, such as commenting on proposed regulations, urging appropriate action by public or private decision-makers, agencies, governmental or quasi governmental bodies, and joining in policy letters with other disability rights organizations.
Read more about our Policy Work.

Non-violent direct action

Not Dead Yet activists engage in direct action to bring public attention to the struggle to stop legalization of assisted suicide, involuntary denial of life sustaining treatment and to advocate for equal protection of the law for old, ill and disabled people. Read more about our Non-violent Direct Action .