Shoving us off the lifeboat in a pandemic

…dations for which patients wouldn’t be treated. They include the very elderly, seriously hurt trauma victims, severely burned patients and those with severe dementia. The suggested list was compiled by a task force whose members come from prestigious universities, medical groups, the military and government agencies. They include the Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Hu…

Denver Post Article Blames “Autism” for Parents Killing Kids – Dick Sobsey Responds

…breezed through complicated algebra but struggled with basic division. Nearly three months ago, when his father, Allen, allegedly shot and killed him while he was sleeping, Jacob had been exhibiting these and many other symptoms of the mysterious disorder autism for most of his short life. He had great difficulty making friends. He had trouble controlling outbursts. He had been shuffled from school to school. He had, in recent years, made some imp…

Transcript of Bax & Obrien Interview on Final Exit Network

…that’s how they made the arrests. That’s borderline entrapment. · The family of a person who had originally used The Final Exit Network, the family members went to the investigators and asked them to investigate the organisation. · Because and it’s understandable but I don’t think its relevant because the surviving family members couldn’t come to grips with the idea that their loved one, for whatever reason, wanted to end his life so they are loo…

NBC Dateline: “A Matter Of Time” (Ruben Navarro)

…nd leaves many important questions just hanging. First, though, it’s probably most important to share the news that not only was Dr. Roozrokh exonerated by a jury, but Ruben Navarro’s mother now sees him as someone who did the best he could in a bad situation. From the transcript to “A Matter of Time“: After the trial, the California medical board, which had also launched an investigation of Dr. Roozrokh, quietly withdrew it. And Rosa withdrew her…

Alternet: Ann Neumann’s Disingenuous Complaints About the State of the Euthanasia Debate

…ying such things, but then, people have been stating the obvious a lot lately. Only a few days ago, I heard someone from a pro life campaign group telling ITV news, “Killing people is illegal.” It seems the world needs reminding of these simple things. So, for the sake of clarity: I’m Disability Bitch, and I do hate the world and everything in it, but I don’t want to die anytime soon. It’s no surprise my No-Legged mate thinks I might want to glide…