Canada: Council of Canadians with Disabilities Respond to Global News’ Promotion of Killing Disabled People

…ch 16, this blog posted a hasty alert about a Live Blog on Canada’s Global News devoted to the promotion of legalizing the killing of disabled kids (and adults, as it turned out). I’ll try to find some time in the future to write something about being a participant in that repugnant experience. Right now, I have a heartening response to Global News to share: The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) defines itself this way: CCD is a nationa…

News on Minna Mettinen-Kekalainen: Home Care Resumed, But Problems Remain

…rizing here), the nurse that arrived seemed to be doing the best that she could, but was operating from incomplete/incorrect medical orders. And the nurse, of course, is limited to what she can do – according to the instructions/orders she’s been given. Hopefully, this is something that can be worked out fairly simply. Getting medical instructions corrected can’t be that big a deal – can it? Let’s hope not, anyway. –Stephen Drake…

Canada: Global News Live Blogging Promotion of Killing Disabled Kids Tonight (March 16)

…chafer, who is on record as being in favor about just about any killing of old, ill or disabled persons as long as the killer says they did it out of mercy. The live blog is starting at 8:00 pm EST and will run until midnight. They are already taking comments (which run by a moderator. Go here to access the main site for the live blog. Go here to start submitting comments now. –Stephen Drake…

San Jose Mercury News Pushes Assisted Suicide – Dishonestly

…California, for that matter. Just check our older entries on the deaths of Ruben Navarro and Linda Sue Brown. In the case of Ruben Navarro, a transplant surgeon is facing criminal charges connected with his death, but the medical review boards ruled that the nurses and physicians who allowed and/or aided the doctor in illegal conduct did nothing wrong. As for Linda Sue Brown – it’s another nightmare scenario of medical neglect and misconduct – but…

Diane Coleman Letter Published in Buffalo News

…rs do the right thing or the cheap thing? Unfortunately, the title Buffalo News gave it – “Many would not choose physician assisted suicide” – missed the point. Still, we appreciate that it was published. Here’s the letter: Anyone who has received a health insurance denial knows something about the cost cutting pressures in the health care system. I have good employer sponsored insurance, but just received my second denial in two years of breathin…