The “Right to Die” Expands Into New Territory

…om the fevered imagination of the reporter involved. The same is probably true of the Delaware story. Still, I have to wonder if this will catch on. It really sets off my weird-o-meter to have two stories like this so close together in time. There is a certain grim logic to it and it could be carried even further, I guess. In 2007, I engaged in a debate on euthanasia and assisted suicide with a professor at Washington State University. During the…

New Move to Expand Euthanasia in the Netherlands – Associated Press and Misrepresent Dutch Practice

…ntry. Don’t take my word for it. You can download a pdf document from this site on the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport that spells out the rules. I lack the ability to cut and paste content from a pdf document to this blog, but here’s a summary from a different section of the same Ministry that summarizes the guidelines: The greatest care has been taken to regulate care for patients who are suffering unbearably with no prospect of impr…

ADAPT Confronts HUD in DC (Day 1)

…ss and the President develop permanent funding for a “Barrier Elimination Trust Fund” for accessibility modifications for people transitioning out of facilities and those at risk of going into facilities. This fund shall be $20,000,000 available to be spent annually, plus an increase tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Fines for failure to comply with Section 504 and Fair Housing Amendments Act requirements could also be used to supplement thi…

Ron Seigel: “My Confrontation with Kevorkian’s Lawyer”

…gender or sexual orientation. It would also define as hate crimes acts of brutality and cruelty in hospitals and nursing homes. The Bill is called the Shereian Meadows Amendment. Those journalists who are allowed to attend Kevorkian’s press Conferences might well ask him how he stands on this issue of freedom of choice. Readers might want to write or e-mail their Senator, or Representatives, and ask the same. One hopes we will also ask ourselves t…

Monday Media: Interview on “What’s Up With Bioethics”

…f people at most are able to tune in. Luckily, the show is archived on the site and the one hour discussion is available for your listening pleasure (mp3 format). I think the conversation is worth a listen. Mark and I come from very different perspectives on a number of things. For starters, we could probably spend a couple of hours arguing about facilitated communication, a topic about which we both have strong and directly opposed positions. How…