Breaking News: Billionaire Buys the Rights to Livestream Assisted Suicide of Cancer Patient

…e fulfilling David’s conception of BattleCam as a “social experiment.” The site, he said, “generates zero revenue, and even though I have developed some interesting ideas to commercialize it, it is really just my favorite toy. It is here forever. All the members of BattleCam make the site interesting and compelling and it really has grown into a fascinating community. Cynics would say [it is populated by] degenerates and low lifes, but I totally d…

More on Falconer Bill: Open Letter from Leaders of Disabled People’s Movement in UK and USA

…nt. Dave’s blog is just one of several hosted on the site “Disability Arts Online,” which is a site well worth checking out to find out what the more artistically talented members of our community are doing. As mentioned at the top of this post, Dave Lupton has posted the Open Letter on his own blog and is titled “Final Solution.” Here is an excerpt: As leaders of the disabled people’s movement in the UK and the USA, we are extremely concerned abo…

Reality Check – Factual Information on Jack Kevorkian from a Surprising Source

…e and sanitized account of Jack Kevorkian. Instead, we have to go to humor site – where it can get published only because it runs under the guise of being satire – and fictional. Maybe some of the so-called news media – print, online, etc. – ought to consider running a disclaimer warning people that some of their content might be fictional and they’ll have to sort the fiction from the fact for themselves. That would be some real truth in reporting…

Disability Activists, Advocates and Others Pile on Time Magazine’s Error-Filled Kevorkian Tribute

…n I can get out of it. You can read her comments back at the Time magazine site, but you really have to go check out her entry on the obituary and her experiences in dealing with Carol Loving on the site. Here’s the link to Jack Kevorkian and Carol Loving: Self-Promoting Partners in Crime, with an excerpt: Stephen Drake, who maintains the Not Dead Yet commentary blog wrote about Time Magazine’s sloppy and inaccurate obituary for Dr. Jack Kevorkian…

AP Reporter Does Sloppy and Superficial Job on Battin Story

…ex Schadenberg, head of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, on the Web site. That’s not the worst of this article, though. McCall touches on the undisclosed author conflict of interest issue when he identifies Death With Dignity National Center as an organization that is devoted to influencing public policy. He leaves the defenses put forth by both Battin and the director of the organization unchallenged. Peg Sandeen, dir…