Peter Singer – meet Brad Hennefer

…h brings me to the topic du jour. Even though I can’t find anything on the site, I’m told that today’s “Good Morning America” had a short piece on high school varsity basketball player Brad Hennefer. No matter. There’s still an active link to the story from WPVI in New Jersey: CHERRY HILL, N.J. — A remarkable young athlete has developed a big following. At first glance, it was just your run of the mill three-pointer in a high school hoops game. “H…

Blogging Against Aversives – a little late

…on it as well as the use of contingent electric shock for the treatment of rumination as far back as the 1970s so I have to put my two cents worth on the aversives issue. Note to readers – the SIBIS was an early shock device that was much less painful than the device currently employed at the JRC. Exercising this rare opportunity to ask an “authority” on aversives a question in a public forum, I challenged Linscheid (who had talked about the impor…

“Public Education” about PWDs hits new low with “Ransom Notes” campaign

…ing away of the civil and human rights of people with disabilities. It is true that diagnoses of ADHD, autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and OCD often accompany great hardships for families. It is true that depression and bulimia are terrible disorders that require treatment. Yet, the way you choose to convey those messages is inappropriate and counterproductive. Individuals with disabilities are not replacements for normal children that are stolen awa…

Recommended Reading

…d topic. On October 11th, Miss CripChick wrote “A Letter to My Mom” on her site. Here’s the first paragraph: dear mother, please do not take this as sarcasm, but i just wanted to take a moment and let you know how much i appreciate the fact that you haven’t tried to murder me, drug me, take me off my ventilator, withhold food, lock me in the garage, abuse me, harvest my organs, or rip my utereus [girl parts] out over the years. On October 22nd, Ka…

Apologies and Explanations – Back Online Next Week

…’s the blurb for my session, taken from the list of presenters on the NLDA site: STEPHEN DRAKE, Research Analyst, Policy Analyst and Organizer Presentation: “No one told me I shouldn’t be able to do this.” Stephen Drake is a researcher, policy analyst and organizer. He’ll share his journey of awareness and development of successful strategies — a journey in which his struggles with “deficits” have turned out to be as important in helping him in hi…