Press Release: NDY & 6 Other National Disability Groups Submit Friend-of-the-Court Brief in New Mexico Assisted Suicide Appeal

…f itself is available as an attachment to the PRWeb release and on the NDY site under “Court Cases” here.] On August 22, 2014, Not Dead Yet submitted a Disability Rights friend-of-the-court brief in support of the New Mexico Attorney General’s appeal seeking to overturn a district court ruling that the New Mexico constitution contains a right to assisted suicide (Morris v. King, Case No. 33,630, Court of Appeals of the State of New Mexico). Six ot…

Media Alert – Looks Like “Dr. Oz” Is Planning Slanted Show on Assisted Suicide

…which the producer assured us was forwarded to the person in charge of the online surveys. I suspect that Dr. Oz, if confronted with the sloppiness, would throw some staffperson under the bus. But it’s all under his name and I’m sure he’s made it clear just how much detail they need to bother with – which in this case is not much. The link to the “survey” is here. Please feel free to fill it out and leave comments. Maybe they’ll even read them. Th…

Seattle Elder Law Attorney Discusses What Lawyers Should Be Telling Clients About “Death With Dignity” Act

…, “Terminal Uncertainty,” Washington’s new “Death with Dignity” law allows doctors to help people commit suicide – once they’ve determined that the patient has only six months to live. But what if they’re wrong? The Seattle Weekly, January 14, 2009. 11 id. All rights reserved. All the content of this web site is copyrighted and may be reproduced in any form including digital and pr…

With National Day of Mourning, Disability Community Remembers Disabled Victims of Domestic Violence

…sed to euthanasia, and other people with disabilities participated through online discussion to challenge Latimer and his fellow pro-euthanasia panel members in a debate during the online blog. “When disabled people are murdered by caretakers or family members, many people justify these murders as ‘understandable,’ or talk about the ‘burden’ of caring for someone with a disability,” said Ms. Gross. “This is the view that was aired on Canadian Glob…