RELEASE: NDY and Autistic Self-Advocacy Network Announce Day of Mourning for Disabled Victims of Domestic Violence

…sed to euthanasia, and other people with disabilities participated through online discussion to challenge Latimer and his fellow pro-euthanasia panel members in a debate during the online blog. “When disabled people are murdered by caretakers or family members, many people justify these murders as ‘understandable,’ or talk about the ‘burden’ of caring for someone with a disability,” said Ms. Gross. “This is the view that was aired on Canadian Glob…

Do you LOVE Not Dead Yet?

…, equal rights in organ donation, or just learn more about them? Become an Online Foot Soldier. You already told us you love us, so like NDY on Facebook, subscribe to our blog, and follow us on Twitter to help signal boost our message to help us get the disability perspective out there on assisted suicide and other health care issues. Send Us Your Stories. S/he who hath the best arguments does not always prevail. We have always felt we have the da…

New Jersey Senate Committee Shuts Out Disability Rights Community from Assisted Suicide Hearing

…organizations, some of the statements will continue to be posted on our website and can be accessed by clicking here. The New Jersey Alliance Against Doctor-Prescribed Suicide is a coalition of disability rights, healthcare, civil rights, faith-based and patient advocacy organizations opposed to doctor- prescribed suicide in New Jersey. ### The uninvited have, however, submitted written testimony, some of which John Kel…

John Kelly’s Testimony Before the New Jersey Health and Senior Services Committee in Opposition to A2270

…s after Thomas Middleton died, Sawyer listed the property for sale and deposited $90,000 into her own account. It took a federal investigation into real estate fraud to expose this abuse. Oregon’s assisted suicide program never noticed. The state decided in the end not to even prosecute her for defrauding Middleton. Thomas Middleton’s family will never know the circumstances under which he died. Americans place tremendous value on individual, auto…

NDY’s John Kelly Among Those Featured in Boston Globe Article on Assisted Suicide

…iece includes both proponent and opponent arguments. Lead article: Sidebar: Not Dead Yet’s John Kelly was included in the voices featured in the sidebar article. Here is the excerpt reflecting some of John’s perspective: Disability-rights advocate…