Suicide Promotion During Suicide Prevention Week – Blog from Wesley Smith and a Little More from Me

…sed to Final Exit’s mission, just how they’re delivering the message. “I visited the website and it’s populated by elderly folks who are at the end of a very long life and are in pain,” she said. “That’s a whole different issue to me.” What you just read was a suicide prevention professional throwing elderly people under the bus. But we already knew that. Mostly, I want to break the silence of the suicide prevention organizations. But part of me i…

Guest Blog: Paul Timmons – It’s Time to Stop Playing Nice With the Emergency Management Community After Continued Failure to Serve Disabled Disaster Victims

…ow more about Portlight Strategies, check the “Our Story” section of their site. Please also check the FAQ section, for instructions on how to contact and/or donate to Portlight Strategies; This link lets you access a copy of the organization’s 2010 financial report so you can see how they spend their resources. Please take the time to learn more about the organization and if you want to help out with disaster relief efforts – past, present and fu…

NY Times: David Brooks says “self-enclosed skin bags” who want to live are driving the country into bankruptcy

…viders than giving care to the public. In addition the World Socialist Web Site featured an essay by Kate Randall titled “The voice of the ruling class.” Randall makes some excellent points, although NDY doesn’t think Nazi analogies – even careful ones like the brief one in this essay – are very useful. We’d also disagree with the characterization of Obama’s health care reform efforts as “an unprecedented attack on health care for the working popu…

Five Things a “” Author Really DIDN’T Know About Assisted Suicide

…ind a person, other than a potential serial killer, who will assert that Scruffy or Spot or Balthazar would have been better served to wheeze out a few extra last days while being starved to death in a joy-blocking haze of pain, medication and intrusive surgical procedures. Before even going into his “need to know” list, MacDonell perpetuates the myth that all pets are “put down” by loving owners because the animals are terminally ill and in pain….

UK: Poll shows disabled people’s fear over assisted suicide

…people with cerebral palsy. (This is what I was able to gather from the website – if I’ve gotten it wrong, please write me a note and I’ll correct it.) Yesterday – May 9 – Scope issued a press bulletin highlighting the results of a survey of disabled people the organization commissioned. Below is the bulk of the content of the press bulletin, “Poll shows disabled people’s fears over assisted suicide”: Findings from a new Scope commissioned ComRes…