Yesterday’s Joke Becoming Today’s Reality – Death Row and Assisted Suicide

…d) commented that the author had an “overactive imagination.” Well, here’s today’s news – from the state of Oregon. In fact, it’s from Portland Tribune reporter Peter Korn – the same reporter and same paper that exposed the Oregon Board of Nursing as a sham – that consistently protected the jobs and licenses of nurses over the health and welfare of patients. This latest story is titled Three Needles. Six Minutes. The End. Excerpt: T. Allen Bethel…

Marilyn Golden, Presentation, Hartford, CT, 10-18-2013

…stee of his estate several months earlier, and had deeded his home to the trust. Middleton had instructed that the home be rented until the real estate market improved. Instead, Sawyer listed the property for sale two days after Middleton’s death. When the home sold, the proceeds were deposited into the accounts of Sawyer’s businesses. In Oregon, there is no investigation of assisted-suicide deaths, even with suspicious circumstances such as those…

Amicus Brief of Not Dead Yet et al (Disability Rights Amici) in Myers v. Schneiderman in NY Appellate Division

…ith Dignity case, DHS says, March 4, 2005 (   [36] Oregon Death With Dignity Act, ORS 127.865, Washington Death With Dignity Act, RCW 70.245 [37] Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act – 2014, page 6, Oregon Public Health Division (   [38] See footnote 34 and additional authori…

American Medical News Reports on Georgia Sup. Court Overturn of Asst. Suicide Law – Eleanor Smith quoted

The American Medical News has an article out today about the Georgia Supreme Court decision that ruled the state’s assisted suicide law unconstitutional. (We referred to the legislation as “half-assed.”) The decision has the immediate effect of negating the charges against members of the Final Exit Network (FEN). The account is pretty straightforward and is pretty good at referring what the group says they do instead of reporting their claims as…

Update on Amelia (Philadelphia Transplant Denial) With Welcome News

…d years. That was good news in every way. Here is the latest – and great – news from Chrissy Rivera, Amelia’s mom, in ‘Kidney Chronicles Part Three‘: Our family received word about a month ago that Amelia is officially approved for the kidney transplant. All of her specialists, and some we have only just met, have agreed that there is no medical reason for her not to have the transplant. I will donate my kidney when Amelia’s kidney function falls…