I’m Doing the Fun*Run to Support ADAPT and Disability Rights

On April 26th, ADAPT will be holding its annual Fun*Run in Upper Senate Park in Washington, DC. I won’t be going to the national action or at Upper Senate Park, but I have signed up to do ten laps around a large block in my neighborhood on that day.

For readers of this blog unfamiliar with ADAPT, here’s a brief overview (copied and edited from ADAPT site):

For over 25 years, ADAPT has been a leader in the fight for accessible public transportation, the redirection of public funds from nursing homes and institutions to community-based services, and for a national personal assistance policy based on functional need, not diagnosis.

ADAPT strategies include using civil disobedience as a tool to garner public attention and effect needed change in the laws, policies, and services affecting persons with disabilities. While members of ADAPT are willing to sit at the table to change policy, we are not afraid to go to jail—if that’s what it takes for change to occur.

Direct Action works and is a necessary technique for making positive change for communities that are marginalized by discrimination and pity. Chaining ourselves to buses resulted in accessibility in city transportation. Due to ADAPT’s earliest efforts, Denver had 100% accessible mass transit prior to the passage of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. The same is true in other cities where citizens used direct action to demand equality.

ADAPT’s demonstrations, protests and marches have had a significant impact on the redistribution of Medicaid dollars in long-term care. Just 10 years ago, more than 80% of long-term care dollars went to nursing homes. Today it’s less than 70%, which has resulted in great numbers of people with disabilities being freed from institutional settings. It is time to assure that ALL our brothers and sisters have that same opportunity for freedom.

About sponsoring me for the Fun*Run:

Please go to the following link, which will allow you to pledge an amount per lap or pledge a flat amount.

And, in case you are wondering, your sponsorship will benefit Not Dead Yet. Details are at my sponsorship site. –Stephen Drake

PS — If you’re making a pledge, keep in mind that I have committed to do TEN laps. That is the number you should use to figure your pledge if you want to pledge per lap.