Press Statement: Disability Rights Groups Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts Issue Statement Defending Dr. Ira Byock in Assisted Suicide Debate

[Editor’s Note: The PRWeb version of this Press Statement is available online in pdf format here.]

Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts, disability rights groups that oppose legalization of assisted suicide, issue the following Statement in support of Dr. Ira Byock’s role in the public policy debate spurred by the Brittany Maynard case:

Dr. Ira Byock, one of the nation’s leading palliative care physicians and author of ‘The Best Care Possible’, has come under intense criticism lately for his opposition to legalizing assisted suicide.  During the last two weeks, Dr. Byock appeared on PBS Newshour, 60 Minutes and the Diane Rehm Show to debate Barbara Coombs Lee, president of the assisted suicide advocacy group, Compassion and Choices (formerly the Hemlock Society).

“Media attention to the public policy debate has increased dramatically in recent weeks, due to a Compassion and Choices video gone viral.  The video depicts the tragic illness of Brittany Maynard, who says she plans to end her life using Oregon’s assisted suicide law and to use her case to urge passage of similar laws nationwide.

“Dr. Byock is right to decry our health care system for its scandalous deficiencies in meeting the needs of seriously ill and dying people.  He’s also right to warn against bringing the physicians we all depend on into the role of prescribing suicide as a new kind of ‘treatment.’  And he’s right to be concerned about legalizing the cheap ‘treatment’ of assisted suicide in our profit-driven health care system.

“‘Dr. Byock urges attention to the crying need for high quality, patient-centered care that supports the value and dignity of dying people,’ said Diane Coleman, president of Not Dead Yet.  ‘When I reach the terminal stages of my progressive neuromuscular disability, I hope that I will have a doctor like him.’

“What disabled people see is the likelihood that what is now offered to terminally ill people to prevent suffering will get extended to disabled people who may experience similar suffering. During the Diane Rehm Show, Byock raised one of the disability community’s concerns as follows: ‘And I actually would love to hear from Barbara what you say to somebody like Brittany who simply is suffering at that level but isn’t terminally ill? Do you say to them, we can’t help you because you don’t — you fall outside of the laws and the regulations of Oregon?’

“Coombs Lee usually says that her organization’s goal is Oregon-style laws for people with a terminal diagnosis, but at a recent Connecticut forum, she affirmed a broader agenda as reported in CT News Junkie:  Coombs Lee also said the legislation would exclude people with dementia and cognitive declines, since they could not make the choice for themselves. ‘It is an issue for another day but is no less compelling,’ she said.

“In addition, Coombs Lee’s organization promotes VSED (voluntarily stopping eating and drinking) as a peaceful way to die that is legal in all states, whether or not the person is terminally ill.  ‘Their articles and materials urge doctors and families to cooperate with VSED,’ said Coleman, ‘which demonstrates a broader policy agenda than the current media focus.’

“However, disability concerns go beyond the strictly medical issues that affect old, ill and disabled people.  ‘Most people don’t realize that people with disabilities are two to four times more likely to be abused than our nondisabled peers,’ said John Kelly, director of Second Thoughts.  ‘And not enough people have heard about the rising rates of elder abuse, or know that the primary perpetrators are family and caregivers.  That’s the real world context for these ill-conceived laws.’

“Assisted suicide laws may appear to offer patient rights, but their actual provisions grant blanket legal immunity to physicians and other involved participants. Even when the law’s criteria are not met, a simple claim of ‘good faith’ by the doctor or family member confers legal immunity.  Once the drugs are obtained by the patient or family, the Oregon law takes no further interest. There is no requirement that an independent witness observe the death to ensure that the lethal dose is actually self-administered, or even that there is consent.  Barbara Coombs Lee’s claim of ‘transparency’ is completely false.

“Legalization of assisted suicide often looks acceptable when the focus is solely on an individual.  However, not every terminal prognosis is correct, not everyone’s doctors know how to deliver expert palliative care, and not everyone has a loving husband and family.  A closer examination of the issue reveals the immense harm legalization poses to vulnerable people as well as society as a whole.

“Assisted suicide legislation was rejected this year in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and New Jersey due to bipartisan opposition from a broad coalition of disability rights organizations, medical professionals and associations, palliative care specialists, hospice workers and faith-based organizations.”


6 thoughts on “Press Statement: Disability Rights Groups Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts Issue Statement Defending Dr. Ira Byock in Assisted Suicide Debate

  1. I was just semi-dozing and NPR/PRI (or whatever the public broadcasting radio network has renamed itself; it’s hard to keep up), which is the radio “arm” of PBS, public broadcasting tv
    (I don’t do tv for disability sensitivities and had already stopped watching when my sensitivities escalated due to medical error by an allergist in re not recognizing allergic reaction to an asthma medication and I was still “green” as a newly onset allergic person with asthma= how we learn. Those of us who are severely disabled by illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is mine on top of allergic asthma, can have serious nonreversible consequences to NOT knowing, to NOT being savvy about the “high tech lynching” to borrow a phrase from another context of my youth)—

    There are aspects of “1984” or alternate universe to PBS/NPR/PRI (the one I tuned in on radio was a Tar Sands Pipeline (Co. name is what they used) “Town Hall Meeting” and if I
    hadn’t been familiar with Naomi Klein, Canadian, and her work, newest book about which I’ve
    heard her lecture on WBAI, Pacifica community radio station in NYC, “This Changes Everything” within the past 2 weeks, and the whole issue of Fracking and know that Tar Sands oil is the most dirty, expensive form of oil extraction, you’d think they were just talking about another ole pipeline, and the company guy and a so-called middle of the road Canadian professor and no Native/Indigenous people on the panel, only one comment at the end from the audience that sort of got lost and ignored plus one other comment – leaving the uncritical to think “what’s all the fuss, anyway? These folks must know what they are talking about”.

    Well, if I didn’t know what “voluntary stopping eating and drinking” was really like – and they even have given it initials like a real medical option VSED and that “it is a peaceful way to die” is a BIG LIE (how I know in a minute), I’d think the pro-assisted suicide person was reasonable, and “why is Diane Coleman and the doctor in the PBS show making such a fuss?” – in fact, the comments under the PBS video on the PBS website, which I looked at and was unable to navigate their comment registration, not wanting to give all that personal information- the comments turned logic on its head, calling the doctor an enemy of disabled people, in true
    unknowing manipulated fashion…very “1984”…even Joseph Goebbels type propaganda, much like the radio show I accidentally tuned in on Tar Sands XCEL (sic) pipeline…

    I remember when an English young woman was starving herself to death as a way of suicide, with “help” from her stepmother and father and reading parts of her diary: it was painful, it was awful and she took some weeks to die. It was like a bad fairy tale but real.
    (I’m a feminist and I hate to say anything bad about another woman but this step-mother was
    too eager to “help”). To me, starving oneself when one can’t get up and get to the refrigerator or to the water tap, or bottle, glass of water and drink it and no one will help you—that’s real life nightmare, torture and “assisted murder”.

    I’m on the fringe of groups, homebound, sometimes foggy from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, off and on again escalation symptom, abetted by terrible CFS/ME (ME in England and UK) insomnia, so I’m like an uneducated in specialized terminology like the letters for starving to death. Reminds me of this aside: literature copies life and the public is clueless and remains so throughout history. Do you know the story “The Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka? Find it.
    I have heard it read on the air on WBAI several times. The person refuses food, lives in a cage and is not allowed to change his mind to get food by the “1984”-like authorities. Kafka, I recently learned was 90 pounds in body weight at the time of his early death. He had a throat cancer and was unable to eat. He was in constant pain until he died.

    I have art about disability and other current political topics on my Flickr public photostream page. I have yet to do one in protest of “assisted suicide”.

    Final note: we are constantly left out of panels, presentations on/in the general media. And even the “independent” “alternative” media. I recently had issue with “DemocracyNow” the radio and tv show, which I hear on WBAI but it’s on the internet and video/transcript available, as well as independent tv stations. While politically mostly in tune with where I am, the show’s tone while great on climate change (indeed, was in the forefront), is rather clueless on “assisted suicide”, attendant (helper) care at home vs the bias for the gov’t giving money to institutionalize us rather than the cheaper at home care or CHOICE for those of us who are old, chronically ill and/or severely disabled. I’m not a shrink so I will not speculate about why folks so good in some science run from disability, “disabilophobia” my 2011 word works: fear and loathing of disability and people who are disabled. I had occasion to email the senior producer of the show on Oct. 7 to point out that the guest, a doctor was talking about end of life (his book’s topic; a surgeon), and didn’t know about the bias of medicare/medicaid in re the former does not pay for home help/care nor the latter pay enough hours but has bias and gives money to institutions which are more expensive. My email -done in some CFS fog, but clear enough it seems because Amy Goodman read it in part on the air, real time as I was listening
    after having typed on my laptop while listening, within a couple of minutes and I was surprised, having low tech skills, not getting to computers until 68 – I’m now 74 due to access issues in re my disabilities—I urged DemocracyNow to get Stephen Drake and Diane Coleman as guests on the air because we are routinely left out of discussions on “assisted suicide”. The doctor
    was pretty good until asked that question, later in the show and he said (paraphrasing) although it was done too soon, he was for it, but stressed quality of life meant good life while we could avail of it. But, he was not familiar with disabled people beyond his 104 year old grandfather in India who was cared for at home by women rather than a nursing home but the good doctor saw it as “slavery” for the women; note: this was a family of property, of financial means and why they didn’t culturally see using some of the staff to care for the old person with supervision from the family member, which could have been a male….but societies/cultures have their gender stereotyping, as does the U.S., still — how often have I heard recently, particularly on Diane Rheims show or Terry Gross’ “Fresh Air”, both NPR, someone say how awful it was that their old relative couldn’t die, never thinking at all, and the hosts of the show never said/knew about attendant care at home rather than nursing homes so urged assisted suicide….India is moving toward what the U.S. is teaching: nursing homes “to free the young” from the “slavery of caring for the old”. Bizarre to me, but reflects that a doctor comes from the general population, where disabled people are either invisible or just do not register.
    I learned about disability the John Dewey way: by being disabled since middle age. So I don’t fault the general population which is hostage to media blitz/propaganda that “assisted suicide” including starving us to death is a good, “humane” way, when I suspect it’s for economic reasons. I do want to stress this: RICH PEOPLE ARE NOT EXPECTED TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES are they? Have you ever heard of rich people being deemed unfit for not being able to change a light bulb (no ethnic jokes included – as in “how many…to change a light bulb”; it’s just something I have a problem with so I thought of it.

    How many people fault the rich for not carrying their own money/cash (JFK,etc), women not carrying a purse if rich, not cooking, driving, cleaning, …even dressing themselves…how many centuries did the rich have and some still do, valets/maids to help with dressing, serving food, and on and on. Only the poor and “middle class” are expected to work, pay for help, or faulted for not making “executive decisions” (more jargon I had to research), not able to do their own checkbook…you get the idea? Assisted suicide is the final solution for us, once again but gussied up with “humane” public relations. I think it’s based in governments don’t want to pay benefits and these days, the rich don’t want to pay taxes (never did, but they’re getting away with it more now)….so it’s “american individualism” or die myth.

  2. My late husband and I were true fans of Jack Kevorkian for many years. We thought for sure he had it right. My husband survived two different lung cancers and throat cancer. He was then diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This was all within a six year time period. With his last lung cancer he was given only a 20% chance of survival if he did chemo. He beat it but two years the pancreatic cancer was diagnosed. During the years he went thru this he really took a long hard look at how he wanted the last stage of his life to be. As much as we were Kevorkian fans facing the reality of his prognosis gave him a totally different outlook. He chose to have at-home hospice. He wanted to be in his own home with his family with him. His pain was controlled and he passed away peacefully at home with me, his wife of thirty years, and his daughters. I truly feel it was an honor to help him thru the last part of his life. He knew I’d be by his side to the end. It wasn’t until after my husband passed that I read all of Dr. Byock’s books and listened to the many videos on line. I’ve since attended several events where he was the speaker. I’d suggest to the many who are portraying him as the villain to make an attempt to learn more about him and get a better understanding of his views before condemning him. He has spent much of his life helping patients and their loved ones thru the most heart-wrenching time of their lives. I’d consider myself fortunate to have a doctor as compassionate as Dr. Byock at the end of my life or that of a loved one. I’ve told my daughters that before they’re allowed to become my caregivers they need to read his books.

    It’s unfortunate that there are situations like Brittany Maynard and Barbara Mancini. It’s sad to think that it may take these types of situations to highlight how the healthcare system pays so little attention to end-of-life care or even discussing the options with patients.

  3. She needs to try CBD…..I sent a video of baby w brain tumor gone in 4 mos… wouldnt hurt to try… side effects……Marijuana miracle cure 1, 2 & 3….programs…..amazing…..2 women stage 3 & 4 cancer cured….and another baby w brain tumor…..try it b4 secobarbital….if I could reach her I would

  4. Hi,
    I could’t find another way to send a msg for Brittany maynard. Please i beg you. Its necessary that this msg reaches her today.
    Jesus christ has a new history for her. I was diagnostied with breast cancer 2 years ago. Im cured, by the power of God. God has power and wants to cure YOU Brittany, i want to tell you that, suicide is a grave sin against Gos. According to the bible, suicide is a murder. The decision to die belonges to God. The bible mentions 5 specific person who committed suicid, and they were sinful and wicked men. I beg you, Brittany, in Jesus name, does not invalidate every thing that our Lord Jesus Christ did on calvary for you. Repent of your decision. Do for love. For the love of God. My message to you is, if you want , God can heal you NOW. Kneel in his presence and cry out for mercy. Call to Him, Brittany. In the bible says in jeremiah 33:3, ” call to me and I will answer you an tell you grat and unsearchable things you do not know.”
    Bible says in isaiah 41:10″ so do not fear, for i am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
    Please, dont care about other think. Just think about the phisical pain in hell will be greater then that you could feel here. Don’t think you will be able to visit the earth . In mattheu 25:46 in holly bible says”those who have been made rigteous will go to eternal life in heaven , but the umbelievers shall receive etrnal punishment in hell. The person who not obey Gods law, shall receive emotional, phisical torment, conscius suffring, late repentence. And will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Ther will be weeping and ganishing of teet, sadness and anger.
    God has no pleasure in the deat of teh wicked, but desires them to turn against their perverted desires and them live.
    Jesus said: ” – I’m the ressurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he were dead, lived; and whoever lives and believe me will not died. 1 jonh 11:25.26.
    Please, believe me, Jesus can cure you. I will be praying that you change your think. Believe that Jesus can cure you. And you will be cured. I beg your mother, to do some thing and dont let your dougther do this, if you love her. I will not believe in your love of mother, if you dont stop Brittany. Please, use your faith. You can be cured, by God, you dont have to die, . With my love

  5. Personal experience has proven that when you have a pro euthanasia organization involved anywhere in health care EUTHANASIA is what you will get. Compassion & Choices (formerly Hemlock Society) Pro euthanasia, National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (formerly Euthanasia Society of America) Pro euthanasia. Both organizations deceptively market what they are selling to the public. Those wanting Hospice care are now thought of as wanting “help to die” instead of wanting “help in living fully and with dignity until death comes.” The true concept of hospice has been turned up-side down. A doctor writing a RX with the intent of a person is going to kill self is an accomplice to suicide therefore assisting in killing. With these 2 organizations unleashed these last 20 yrs of health care and concepts of compassion have been turned up-side down. There is a whole new cottage industry rising up out of the ashes of the deceased called Red Collar Crime. We will soon be a lawless health care industry that most will be fearful of.

  6. Stephen,I agree with what you said, in regards to the Dr. Oz show. I was ctceanotd by a few of their show producers last week on Wednesday, regarding their interest in having me there to participate in the Assisted Suicide episode. During the initial conversation, they asked me very personal questions about my health and my viewpoints regarding the right-to-die. The conversation made me feel like I was being investigated by them. They wanted to know very specific details about me, including when I plan to exit , my method for exiting , and my involvement in FEN. They also wanted to send a video camera to my home, asking me to film an elaborate video for their show, detailing my health condition by showing how it has physically affected me, etc. Initially, they made the episode seem like it was going to be a personal intervention episode, which I conveyed to them I wasn’t interested in participating in that kind of episode, that my focus in the media, is to discuss about right-to-die issues. They responded, explaining that the episode would involve discussion by a few experts , alongside me, my being an integral part of the episode. They continued to mention how important the video they wanted me to make of myself, was to the show, and repeatedly trying to get me to assure them that I’d be available for their field producer to guide me through making this video for them.They also had their travel team , contact me that day, to set up travel arrangements, which they made it seem that the travel team , was in-house, rather than as a third-party company they outsource potential guests’ travel arrangements to. While the travel team did in fact contact me on Wednesday evening, to set up the travel arrangements, they never ctceanotd me back with any sort of followup information, let alone finalized details of the travel plans. After not hearing from anyone connected with the show at all on Thursday, other than the field producer, I began to have concerns about this, as being a person who suffers from disability, I need to have travel arrangements made as soon as possible, in order to physically prepare to travel, and to have assurance prior to that, in that my travel needs are being met. On Friday, I still hadn’t heard back from the travel team , but I was told by the show producers I spoke with on Friday, that the travel team was indeed a third party company, and how it was impossible for them to accommodate my needs of knowing the travel arrangements right away, which after a long debate regarding other issues, the show producers acknowledged that they indeed could find out the travel arrangements right away. The long debate mostly pertained to how I’d be accommodated at the show, which led into a debate regarding the show itself.

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