Opponents of the Massachusetts assisted suicide bill ran out after distributing thirty information packets when about forty representative staff members attended a legislative briefing today (June 27). Sponsored by Democratic Representative Denise Provost, the briefing was entitled:
“End of Life Options” bills H. 1926 and S. 1208
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Hear What Opponents Have To Say
Speakers covered a wide array of critical issues:
- Rep. Denise Provost, “Who chooses end of life care? Substituted judgment doctrine in Massachusetts” (and guest speaker Professor George Annas)
- John B. Kelly, Director, Second Thoughts MA, “If as a progressive you oppose capital punishment, you must oppose H.1926”
- Anita Cameron, Not Dead Yet Director of Minority Outreach, “Impact on and opposition of minority and working-class communities”
- Dr. Laura Petrillo, Palliative care physician/researcher, Mass General Hospital, “Suffering at the end of life: the right problem, the wrong solution”
- Brian Shea, Peer Specialist, M-POWER, “Disability and depression under a broken, commodified healthcare system”
Below are a few photos from this very successful event.