Horacio Esparza habla sobre el suicidio asistido y le da un regalo a NDY

…suicidio prescrito por el médico para no ser una carga financiera o emocional para su familia. > Muchas familias están bajo tremenda tensión. En un momento de aumento de los costos de los alimentos, las ejecuciones hipotecarias caseras y la incertidumbre económica general, sería imprudente ignorar el papel que las finanzas jugarían al tomar decisiones al final de la vida. > Incluso en las familias donde hay apoyo para un paciente diagnosticado con…

Suicide Prevention for All!

…inación – Prevención del suicidio para todos.. La creencia de que es racional para una persona con discapacidad o enfermo terminal que quiere morir se basa en prejuicios, los estereotipos y la mala información. Cuando una persona sin discapacidad (como un adolescente intimidado o una víctima de burla por su orientación sexual) es suicida, esa persona recibe los servicios de prevención de suicidio. Cuando una persona con discapacidad dice que quier…

Minnesota Supreme Court Rules Online Suicide Predator Melchert-Dinkel Protected by First Amendment

…ought out depressed people online. When he found them, he posed as a suicidal female nurse, feigned compassion and offered instructions on how they could kill themselves. Melchert-Dinkel told police he did it for the “thrill of the chase.” According to court documents, he acknowledged participating in online chats about suicide with up to 20 people and entering into fake suicide pacts with about 10, five of whom he believed killed themselves. Pros…

Why Are We Here?

…N THE FACE! During National Suicide Prevention Month, The Suicide Fundamentalists at Final Exit Network are hosting the first international gathering of over 50 assisted suicide and euthanasia organizations held in the U.S. since the year 2000. They call themselves the “World Federation of Right To Die Societies.” But it’s really about the Right to Be Killed and the Duty to Die. Final Exit Network is not really about the “right to die”, it’s about…


…the attack, but it’s hard to impossible for all those who want to join in talking, grieving and learning to get together physically. On Thursday, August 4th, the Disability Visibility Project will be hosting an online vigil and chat starting at 8 PM ET. Here’s the info from the site: Online Vigil and Chat Disabled People of Tsukui Yamayuri En Sagamihara, Japan Thursday, August 4, 2016 8 pm Eastern 9 am Japan (Aug. 5)   The Disability Visibility Pr…