A Disabled Researcher Doing Research on Disability, Media, and Internalized Stigma!

A doctoral student from the California School of Professional Psychology is conducting research to learn more about emotional response, disability and media, and experienced internal stigma among disabled people. If you are an adult with a mobility disability between the ages of 18 to 65, have had a disability for at least 2 years, and live in the US, you are invited to participate in this study. People who complete the online survey have the chance to enter a raffle to win 1 $25 or 1 $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD!!!!!! To learn more about the study or participate in it please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/disabilitydissertation. Please email disabilityandstigma@gmail.com with any questions.

Approved by Alliant International University Institutional Review Board

One thought on “A Disabled Researcher Doing Research on Disability, Media, and Internalized Stigma!

  1. From Italy..summer 2021 …there is another country in danger here…referendum about legal euthanasia…not in my name again!

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