ADAPT in Chicago – Day 2

Breaking news:

Disabled protesters block downtown Chicago building

CHICAGO – A group of disabled protesters is blocking access to elevators and escalators in a government office building in downtown Chicago.

A wall of wheelchairs is preventing occupants of the James R. Thompson Center from exiting or entering their offices, although people are being allowed into the building.

The protesters from the advocacy group ADAPT made a similar effort Monday, blocking the entrances to the American Medical Association in Chicago for more
than three hours.

The group wanted the AMA to push for legislation that could lead to more housing options for people with disabilities.

It isn’t immediately clear if the Thompson Center protest has the same focus.

Obviously, they haven’t read their press packet if they’re not sure what the focus is of the protest. Here’s the list of demands ADAPT came with today:

  1. A commitment from Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Speaker of the IL House, Michael Madigan, and President of the IL Senate, Emil Jones, Jr., to pass and sign the IL Community First Act.
  2. Commitment from Gov. Blagojevich to actively involve ADAPT in the development of the operational protocols for the state’s Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program.
  3. Commitment from Gov. Blagojevich that the state will develop a data use agreement with CMS so that people in nursing homes who indicate that they want to return to community living are automatically referred to community organizations that can assist them.

According to my sources, Diane Coleman, Rahnee Patrick, Gail Kear and Monika Heffner are currently on the 16th floor of the State building, and have presented the demands to DHS officials. Diane sent me a pic of the view from the 16th floor:

The picture above is taken from the the sixteenth floor of the State building in downtown Chicago. Protesters can be seen – barely – surrounding the building below.

3:00 pm Central


Oread Daily: “With a swipe of a pen, a doctor can take away your freedom

Rich Miller, at the Capitol Fax Blog, is providing a lot of eyewitness comment and updates from some of his readers who work in the area in This just in…

For the best, complete accounts of the action, go to ADAPT Action Report. It reports on the happenings of the previous day at the action. Yesterday’s account – with pictures – is here at Fifty-five arrested – ADAPT stands firm at the AMA.

Latest news: This just in from Diane Coleman:

The negotiations were a success.

  1. The governor has agreed to meet with ADAPT by no later than October 17th.
  2. There will be no re-opening of Lincoln Developmental Center as a residence for people with disabilities during the present administration.
  3. Rahnee Patrick will be an ADAPT liaison on the Governor’s “Money Follows the Person” Advisory Committee.

(caveat – I got all this in a rushed phone call with lots of background noise so there might be some details slightly off that will be edited later.)


Chicago TribuneAfter AMA, disabled take aim at state

Chicago Sun-TimesDisabled protest again

Video coverage of the action at WGNProtesters in Wheelchairs Block Thompson Center