Australia: Liz Carr Singing and Talking Against Assisted Suicide

Anyone who reads this blog or follows the international euthanasia/assisted debate should be familiar with Liz Carr – whose website describes her as an actor, comedian, presenter, and activist. The list is too short – she’s also a documentary film maker and a playwright. She’s in Australia right now, with her musical “Assisted Suicide – The Musical.”

While in Australia, she’s doing her best to promote the perspective of disabled people like herself who oppose legalized assisted suicide for nonreligious reasons. Below is a close-captioned video of Liz speaking to the Victoria Parliament on March 22nd, 2017. It is over 30 minutes long and worth listening to each and every minute. She doesn’t waste a word.

Liz is also hitting the media – talking about her musical and the underrepresented disability perspective on assisted suicide and euthanasia. The following is a clip from an Australian morning news show. The closed captioning on this video is of a lower quality than in the previous one, but should allow readers to follow – if you can read really fast.


One thought on “Australia: Liz Carr Singing and Talking Against Assisted Suicide

  1. Hi I saw Liz’s show last Friday in Melbourne and thought it was great. I was already opposed to assisted suicide but took a friend who was rather more pro assisted suicide. He came away more aware of the good reasons for opposing assisted suicide. He is not religious and assumed that it was “god botherers” who would oppose assisted suicide. However, LIz made a great presentation of the purely rational arguments against assisted suicide.

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