All posts by Diane Coleman

Disability Activists Take Direct Action To Resist Assisted Suicide Laws

By Jules Good On June 14th, NDY and Second Thoughts MA activists gathered at the Massachusetts State House to show opposition to a Compassion and Choices rally. The group made signs and held them up at the back of Nurses Hall, where C&C was hosting a lineup of local speakers before dispersing to meet with … Continue reading Disability Activists Take Direct Action To Resist Assisted Suicide Laws

NY Disability Activists Hold Counter-Presence At Pro-Assisted Suicide Press Event

Alex Thompson and Max Rodriguez from the NY Association on Independent Living and Center for Disability Rights, respectively, held a counter-presence with signs opposing the NY assisted suicide bill at a press conference conducted today by proponents of the bill. They spoke with several members of the press about the dangers the bill poses for … Continue reading NY Disability Activists Hold Counter-Presence At Pro-Assisted Suicide Press Event

The Nation Magazine Features NDY & Disability Opposition To Assisted Suicide Laws

The In the News page on the NDY website links to print and broadcast news pieces that include interview quotes or other mentions of Not Dead Yet or our disability allies. The vast majority of articles and broadcasts are about assisted suicide laws. The pattern, with rare exception, is that the attention on the disability … Continue reading The Nation Magazine Features NDY & Disability Opposition To Assisted Suicide Laws

Excellent Op-Ed by Disability Activist Daniese McMullen-Powell Published in Delaware

Physician-assisted suicide discriminates against persons with disabilities Daniese McMullin-Powell May 23, 2023 Assisted suicide is a dangerous public policy that threatens the most vulnerable in society, especially people like me – people with disabilities. Upon initial consideration, many do not see how assisted suicide is particularly dangerous to the disability community. However, based on the … Continue reading Excellent Op-Ed by Disability Activist Daniese McMullen-Powell Published in Delaware

John Kelly’s DE Testimony Deconstructs the Ableism of Assisted Suicide Proponents

Testimony in Opposition to Delaware House Blll 140 Chair Minor-Brown, Vice Chair Harris, Members of the Committee on Health & Human Development: My name is John B. Kelly. I am the New England Regional Director for Not Dead Yet, the leading national disability rights group opposing assisted suicide, futility judgments, and “better dead than disabled” … Continue reading John Kelly’s DE Testimony Deconstructs the Ableism of Assisted Suicide Proponents