Category Archives: aid in dying

Joan Cavanagh Had Some Words for the CT Mirror Which They Didn’t Print, So We Will

I am tired of reading stories in the Mirror and elsewhere that minimize or hardly bother to mention the strong opposition to Assisted Suicide legislation that has been successfully spearheaded by Second Thoughts Connecticut and is embraced by many progressives and other disability rights activists. The slick and well-funded marketing campaigns of the Hemlock Society … Continue reading Joan Cavanagh Had Some Words for the CT Mirror Which They Didn’t Print, So We Will

Cathy Ludlum’s Letter Published: Crossing the Line on Assisted Suicide

Second Thoughts Connecticut leader Cathy Ludlum’s letter was published in the Hartford Courant on Sunday, May 2nd. This letter is part of discussions following the death of the state’s assisted suicide bill in the General Assembly Judiciary Committee. Crossing line on ‘aid-in-dying’ bill There is nothing wrong with vigorous debate. People have strong opinions, and … Continue reading Cathy Ludlum’s Letter Published: Crossing the Line on Assisted Suicide

Anita Cameron Testified On Opposition To Assisted Suicide Bills In BIPOC Communities

Anita Cameron, NDY’s Director of Minority Outreach, testified to the Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee at its Zoom hearing on the state’s assisted suicide bill on Monday, April 26. In a brief two-and-a-half minutes, she shared her mother’s story of a very mistaken medical prognosis as well as opposition to assisted suicide in communities of … Continue reading Anita Cameron Testified On Opposition To Assisted Suicide Bills In BIPOC Communities

John Kelly’s Compelling Testimony Opposing Rhode Island Assisted Suicide Bill S0775

John Kelly testified to the Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee at its Zoom hearing on the state’s assisted suicide bill on Monday, April 26. Members of the public who testified were severely limited in the time allowed, so below is John’s excellent full written testimony, which is well worth the read. [Tomorrow, we will post … Continue reading John Kelly’s Compelling Testimony Opposing Rhode Island Assisted Suicide Bill S0775

Second Thoughts CT Protests Conflation of Assisted Suicide and Abortion Issues

In response to a rally sponsored by the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference, Second Thoughts Connecticut held a counter protest objecting to the Catholic group’s linking of support for pregnancy care centers with opposition to assisted suicide. According to Second Thoughts CT’s press release: Stephen Mendelsohn, a member of Second Thoughts Connecticut, said, “By mixing … Continue reading Second Thoughts CT Protests Conflation of Assisted Suicide and Abortion Issues