Category Archives: aid in dying

Mike Reynolds’ Excellent Op-Ed in the Press Herald

Maine Voices: Don’t sign petition to put flawed assisted-suicide law on state ballot Based on what happened after Oregon legalized the practice, it’s incompatible with values held by Mainers. BY MIKE REYNOLDS – SPECIAL TO THE PRESS HERALD 11/29/18 LEWISTON — Maine residents are being asked to sign a petition calling for a referendum on legalizing assisted … Continue reading Mike Reynolds’ Excellent Op-Ed in the Press Herald

Open Letter To American Medical Students Concerning Assisted Suicide

Over the years, I’ve had a number of opportunities to provide presentations on disability related topics to university medical students. Instructors invited me to speak because they saw a problem in the fact that medical education included very little training on disability and independent living. That always struck me as odd considering the higher need … Continue reading Open Letter To American Medical Students Concerning Assisted Suicide

I depend on life-support to stay alive. Why I oppose assisted suicide laws

[Ed. Note: This guest column by Diane Coleman appeared in on October 26, 2018, and in the New Jersey Star Ledger print edition on October 29.] I have an advanced neuromuscular condition and must use breathing support with a mask 18 hours a day. As a severely disabled person who depends on life-sustaining treatment, I … Continue reading I depend on life-support to stay alive. Why I oppose assisted suicide laws

NDY & ADAPT Submit Public Comments To Virginia Commission Opposing Potential Assisted Suicide Legislation

The Virginia Joint Commission on Health Care has requested public comments by close of business on October 15 concerning several policy issues, including one option that would recommend the introduction of assisted suicide legislation. It’s called  Policy Option 2, worded as follows: Introduce legislation to amend the Code of Virginia to include a Medical Aid-in-Dying statute … Continue reading NDY & ADAPT Submit Public Comments To Virginia Commission Opposing Potential Assisted Suicide Legislation

Anita Cameron: The Criminalization of Pain

Our country is in the midst of an opioid crisis which has resulted in what I call the criminalization of pain. Many people who depend on opioids and similar medications to manage pain are now finding that their access to them has been limited and they are being subjected by doctors to drug testing and … Continue reading Anita Cameron: The Criminalization of Pain