Category Archives: aid in dying

Berkshire Eagle Published John Kelly’s Excellent Letter!

Letter: Case for ‘death with dignity’ collapses under scrutiny Posted Wednesday, September 19, 2018 5:21 pm To the editor: I write to respond to the oped by John Berkowitz and three Western Massachusetts legislators in support of assisted suicide bill H.1994 (Eagle, Sept. 11). Unsolvable problems with assisted suicide include the fact that terminal diagnoses are often wrong. … Continue reading Berkshire Eagle Published John Kelly’s Excellent Letter!

Not Dead Yet Opposes Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination To the U.S. Supreme Court

A central goal of Not Dead Yet is to voice disability opposition to legalization of assisted suicide. Therefore, people might wonder why Not Dead Yet opposes the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who has expressed views against assisted suicide. We oppose his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court because his written court opinions and expressed views threaten … Continue reading Not Dead Yet Opposes Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination To the U.S. Supreme Court

Anita Cameron – ADAPT and Not Dead Yet: In Solidarity

Not Dead Yet works with disability organizations around the nation in the fight against doctor assisted suicide. One of these organizations is ADAPT, a national, grassroots disability rights organization working to ensure the civil rights, liberty and freedom of disabled people of all ages to live in our own homes in the community, rather than in nursing … Continue reading Anita Cameron – ADAPT and Not Dead Yet: In Solidarity

Sarah Cavar: Germany Grapples With Assisted Suicide In Courts and Parliament

This hasn’t previously been on NDY’s radar (h/t to Euthanasia Prevention Coalition), but Germany has been grappling with assisted suicide since at least 2005, when a woman disabled by paralysis, Bettina Koch, sought to purchase suicide drugs domestically. She was denied, and then travelled to Switzerland and committed suicide “with the help of the Dignitas … Continue reading Sarah Cavar: Germany Grapples With Assisted Suicide In Courts and Parliament

California’s 2017 Assisted Suicide Report: What Do They Have To Hide?

The California state assisted suicide report for 2017 omitted at least one important type of data, the reasons people request lethal drugs. The reasons data is something that Oregon and Washington have reported from the beginning of their “experiments” with these extremely flawed and dangerous laws. This omission by California should raise red flags. First, the … Continue reading California’s 2017 Assisted Suicide Report: What Do They Have To Hide?