Category Archives: aid in dying

Important News From NDY UK: Noel Conway Loses His Assisted Suicide Court Case

Looking at the picture of Noel Conway wearing a breathing mask like mine in today’s Guardian article “Terminally ill Noel Conway loses challenge to assisted dying ban“, I can’t help but feel a profound sense of relief. I acknowledge that acquiring a progressive neuromuscular disability later in life as Conway did is different than growing up with … Continue reading Important News From NDY UK: Noel Conway Loses His Assisted Suicide Court Case

Wendi Wicks’ Hard Hitting Oral Testimony Against NZ End of Life Choices Bill

June 11, 2018 Kia ora koutou, and thank you for the opportunity to present this submission. I am Wendi Wicks and I am the convener of Not Dead Yet Aotearoa, a national network of disabled people opposed to the legalisation of assisted suicide and euthanasia. We in Not Dead Yet Aotearoa have some of the … Continue reading Wendi Wicks’ Hard Hitting Oral Testimony Against NZ End of Life Choices Bill

Marilyn Golden: California can right the wrong of assisted suicide

The Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund helped lead efforts to oppose the legalization of assisted suicide in California. Though successful during the regular legislative session, assisted suicide proponents bullied their way through an end run on the regular process and secured passage of the law in late 2015. NDY covered and assisted DREDF’s efforts. Examples … Continue reading Marilyn Golden: California can right the wrong of assisted suicide

NDY UK Advocate Jamie Hale On Why Disabled People Fear Assisted Suicide

A great opinion piece by Jamie Hale begins with a photo of two women in wheelchairs, seated in front of several artful props that suggest a graveyard. The photo has a caption above and below: I can see no safeguards to prevent people being pressured into ending their lives. What we need is more support … Continue reading NDY UK Advocate Jamie Hale On Why Disabled People Fear Assisted Suicide

Disability Activist Stephanie Woodward Quoted In An NY Newspaper Article

An article in the Altamont Enterprise included some great quotes by disability rights activist Stephanie Woodward. Stephanie Woodward, director of advocacy at the Center for Disability Rights, said that “assisted suicide has a discriminatory, disparate impact on disabled people that is deadly and can’t be reversed.” Data from the state of Oregon, where medical aid-in-dying … Continue reading Disability Activist Stephanie Woodward Quoted In An NY Newspaper Article