Category Archives: Anita Cameron

NDY Release: Disability Advocates Protest American Health Care Act

[Note: This is NDY’s version of ADAPT’s Press Release, slightly revised to include a quote from Anita Cameron, who joined other disability activists for these protests.] Contacts: Bruce Darling: (585) 370-6690 Anita Cameron (720) 413-9064 Disability Advocates Protest Senate Leader Over Cuts to Medicaid for Millions of Elderly and Disabled Americans (June 22, 2017, Washington D.C.) Today, … Continue reading NDY Release: Disability Advocates Protest American Health Care Act

Anita Cameron: American Health Care Act and Doctor Prescribed Suicide

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) is dangerous for people with disabilities. If passed, among other things, it will most likely eliminate affordable insurance coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, cut $834 billion from Medicaid over ten years (most people with disabilities, including seniors, rely on Medicaid for personal care, long-term care services and supports … Continue reading Anita Cameron: American Health Care Act and Doctor Prescribed Suicide

Anita Cameron: 5 Mistaken Reasons Why People Want Doctor Prescribed Suicide

I sometimes hear these thoughts and feelings expressed, so I want to share my responses. 1.  I want the freedom, choice and the right to end my life when I want to. That freedom and choice already exists. When the pain of an illness gets to be too much, you can decide using a number … Continue reading Anita Cameron: 5 Mistaken Reasons Why People Want Doctor Prescribed Suicide

NY Court of Appeals Rally – Two Photos and Coverage

NDY activists from across the state rallied Tuesday, May 30th on a cold and rainy afternoon outside the New York Court of Appeals. The friend-of-the-court brief filed by NDY and joined by ten other national and state Disability Rights Amici was mentioned twice during oral argument in the case, favorably, by counsel for the Attorney … Continue reading NY Court of Appeals Rally – Two Photos and Coverage

NDY Activists Deliver Counter to NY Assisted Suicide Proponents’ Lobby Day

Nearly 20 disability activists wearing hot pink Not Dead Yet – The Resistance t-shirts took their message to Albany on May 9th. This was the lobby day scheduled by assisted suicide proponents, but NDY refused to give them the last word. News coverage in the Albany Times Union quoted Adam Prizio, who serves as manager … Continue reading NDY Activists Deliver Counter to NY Assisted Suicide Proponents’ Lobby Day