Category Archives: brain injury

Joseph Fins, Expert on Consciousness, Calls for Temperance re: Organ Solicitation and Severe Brain Injury

It’s become fairly clear over the past few years that two trends in medicine are in conflict, albeit mostly under the radar.  On one hand, several promising research and clinical developments have given reason to be cautiously optimistic about the recovery potential of at least some people with significant brain damage, and has led to … Continue reading Joseph Fins, Expert on Consciousness, Calls for Temperance re: Organ Solicitation and Severe Brain Injury

Study: Treatment Withdrawal & Death for Patients with Severe Brain Injury Vary By Hospital

Once again, an item featured on Thaddeus Pope‘s Medical Futility Blog turned out to be something that I wanted to explore in greater detail than the brief blurb given on his blog, in his September 10th post, Hospitals Vary in How Quickly LST Is Stopped: In “Mortality associated with withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy for patients … Continue reading Study: Treatment Withdrawal & Death for Patients with Severe Brain Injury Vary By Hospital

Miracles, recovery and “rush-to-judgment” revisited

Last weekend, Thaddeus Pope posted a followup to an earlier item shared and discussed on his Medical Futility Blog. Let’s take it in order.  Back in March of this year, Pope originally shared the news about the unexpected recovery of Kimberly McNeill of New Zealand, an 18-year-old who suffered severe injuries in a car crash … Continue reading Miracles, recovery and “rush-to-judgment” revisited