Category Archives: Kevorkian

Kevorkian “dying” – again

I’ll admit I’ve been kind of surprised that Kevorkian hasn’t been out on the road doing speaking gigs. In fact, until the last week, the only one scheduled was at the University of Florida, which has been postponed due to the infamous “don’t taser me, bro” incident at an appearance by Senator John Kerry. It … Continue reading Kevorkian “dying” – again

Swiss Group Dignitas Taking a Cue from Kevorkian Playbook?

There’s a new twist in the ongoing saga involving Dignitas, the Swiss group that caters to old, ill and disabled tourists wanting to kill themselves. As we reported earlier, Dignitas has run into problems with the NIMBY (“not in my back yard) phenomenon. The group was kicked out of two apartments as a result of … Continue reading Swiss Group Dignitas Taking a Cue from Kevorkian Playbook?

Classic Reads: Libertarian Thomas Szasz Cuts Through the Crap on Assisted Suicide and Kevorkian

A lot of people who support the idea of the legalization of assisted suicide claim they do so on libertarian grounds. It’s no surprise – libertarians have the same shortage of critical thinkers in their ranks that seems to be the norm across the political spectrum. Thomas Szasz is one of those exceptionally clear and … Continue reading Classic Reads: Libertarian Thomas Szasz Cuts Through the Crap on Assisted Suicide and Kevorkian