Category Archives: letters to the editor

W. Carol Cleigh letter: Hasty Re-Opening Will “Sacrifice the Weak for the Wealthy”

NDY member Carol Cleigh’s timely and pointed letter below will appear in her local North Carolina paper, Clay County Progress: For those who are advocating for lifting of restrictions due to Covid-19 before or without considering the WHO criteria for safely lifting those restrictions, please understand that you’re asking for a devil’s bargain. What you, … Continue reading W. Carol Cleigh letter: Hasty Re-Opening Will “Sacrifice the Weak for the Wealthy”

Disability Advocates Kathy Ware, RN and John Kelly Respond to MN Access Press Article

Access Press in Minnesota recently carried two excellent articles by disability advocates written in response to an earlier article  by Marianne Turnbull, who is seriously ill with ovarian cancer, in support of an assisted suicide bill. Kathy Ware is an RN and parent of an adult son with disabilities. Here’s an excerpt from her article: … Continue reading Disability Advocates Kathy Ware, RN and John Kelly Respond to MN Access Press Article

Does Freedom to Die Mean Freedom to Save Money, for Shareholders?

[Letter to the editor of the Putnam County News and Recorder published September 04, 2019] To the Editor, In response to Assemblywoman Galef’s letter (“Support the Medical Aid in Dying Act”, PCNR, Aug. 28, 2019), we should not forget what Derek Humphry, co-founder of the Hemlock Society (now “Compassion & Choices) said in his book: “…economics, … Continue reading Does Freedom to Die Mean Freedom to Save Money, for Shareholders?

Cathy Ludlum’s Outstanding Letter Published In the Hartford Courant

Assisted suicide does not increase personal choice We at the grassroots disability organization Second Thoughts Connecticut object to a sentence in a recent story [Dec. 14,, “Former state GOP chairman takes job as Connecticut Catholic Church lobbyist“]. The sentence reads: “Culhane also lobbied successfully against other bills the church opposed, including repeated attempts over the … Continue reading Cathy Ludlum’s Outstanding Letter Published In the Hartford Courant

Berkshire Eagle Published John Kelly’s Excellent Letter!

Letter: Case for ‘death with dignity’ collapses under scrutiny Posted Wednesday, September 19, 2018 5:21 pm To the editor: I write to respond to the oped by John Berkowitz and three Western Massachusetts legislators in support of assisted suicide bill H.1994 (Eagle, Sept. 11). Unsolvable problems with assisted suicide include the fact that terminal diagnoses are often wrong. … Continue reading Berkshire Eagle Published John Kelly’s Excellent Letter!