Category Archives: medical discrimination

Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act

Assisted suicide laws violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) but not in the way that proponents probably think. Some have argued that the ADA requires active euthanasia for qualified people whose disabilities make it difficult to self-administer lethal drugs, a sort of “reasonable accommodation” theory. Some have suggested that the U.S. should adopt the … Continue reading Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act

John Kelly’s DE Testimony Deconstructs the Ableism of Assisted Suicide Proponents

Testimony in Opposition to Delaware House Blll 140 Chair Minor-Brown, Vice Chair Harris, Members of the Committee on Health & Human Development: My name is John B. Kelly. I am the New England Regional Director for Not Dead Yet, the leading national disability rights group opposing assisted suicide, futility judgments, and “better dead than disabled” … Continue reading John Kelly’s DE Testimony Deconstructs the Ableism of Assisted Suicide Proponents

NPR’s Joe Shapiro Reports on Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Against Assisted Suicide

From NPR’s Morning Edition: Disability groups say California’s assisted suicide law discriminates against them April 27, 2023 5:12 AM ET Heard on Morning Edition Online article Link Joseph Shapiro [Note: To listen to NPR’s 3 minute audio, go HERE. Transcript from NPR is below.] MICHEL MARTIN, HOST: Disability groups are challenging a California law that allows … Continue reading NPR’s Joe Shapiro Reports on Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Against Assisted Suicide

Press Release: Not Dead Yet Joins Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit To Oppose Assisted Suicide Law

Los Angeles, CA — April 26, 2023 – Yesterday, the United Spinal Association (“United Spinal”), Not Dead Yet (“NDY”), Institute for Patients’ Rights (“IPR”), Communities Actively Living Independent & Free “CALIF”, and individual plaintiffs, Lonnie VanHook and Ingrid Tischer, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, asking that … Continue reading Press Release: Not Dead Yet Joins Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit To Oppose Assisted Suicide Law

Oregon Assisted Suicide Data Analysis

Oregon Assisted Suicide Data Analysis March 16, 2023 How Assisted Suicide Laws Endanger People With Disabilities and Chronic Conditions A disabled or chronically ill person who depends on life-sustaining treatment, even basic medications, would be able to qualify for assisted suicide if they lived where assisted suicide is legal. Oregon’s “Death With Dignity” law is … Continue reading Oregon Assisted Suicide Data Analysis