Category Archives: medical discrimination

John Kelly Op-Ed Opposing Assisted Suicide Bill Published In The Quincy Sun

The Answer Is Not Medically Assisted Suicide – Disabled People Demand Full Civil, Human Rights [Note: The hyperlink above leads to a PDF image scan of the article and the page it appears on. The full, screen reader accessible text of the article is below.] The Quincy Sun, August 18, 2022 38 years ago an … Continue reading John Kelly Op-Ed Opposing Assisted Suicide Bill Published In The Quincy Sun

Not Dead Yet Applauds Court Ruling In CA Euthanasia Case

[Author’s note: Readers may wonder why it’s taken a month for me to post my response to the federal district court ruling in the Shavelson case. I was hoping to be able to post it after it appeared as an op-ed in one of the California newspaper outlets I pitch it to, but, alas, NDY’s … Continue reading Not Dead Yet Applauds Court Ruling In CA Euthanasia Case

PushBlack Podcast: The Erasure of Black Disabled Voices with Anita Cameron

Anita Cameron’s interview on the PushBlack podcast was broadcast on June 20th: Jay (host): Harriet Tubman, Bradley Lomax, Joyce Ardell Jackson, Denmark Vesey, these are only a handful of Black activists you may know, who rebelled, demanded justice, fought for freedom, and played unquestionably significant roles in the continued journey towards liberation. What you might … Continue reading PushBlack Podcast: The Erasure of Black Disabled Voices with Anita Cameron

Anita Cameron: Health Disparities and Medical Abuse: Why Blacks Shouldn’t Support Assisted Suicide

As the Juneteenth celebrations approach, it’s important to know and understand racial disparities in healthcare, the impact it has on the Black community and why Black people, particularly disabled people, must fight against doctor assisted suicide. There is a long and shocking history of medical abuse and experiments on the Black community,[1]fueled by racism and … Continue reading Anita Cameron: Health Disparities and Medical Abuse: Why Blacks Shouldn’t Support Assisted Suicide

NDY & 18 Other Disability Groups Join DREDF Amicus Brief in Assisted Suicide Case

DREDF has just announced the filing of a friend-of-the-court (“amicus”) brief in a Massachusetts assisted suicide case. Since 1996, NDY has organized numerous amicus briefs in assisted suicide cases, some of which are posted on our website HERE. DREDF has joined several of these briefs, but this is the first time DREDF has also served … Continue reading NDY & 18 Other Disability Groups Join DREDF Amicus Brief in Assisted Suicide Case