Category Archives: reality check

Reality Vs. Myths of Pet Euthanasia (Part 1)

Over the years, I’ve gotten thoroughly sick and tired of the repeated use of the myths surrounding pet euthanasia as an argument in favor of providing the same “service” for humans. The latest of these is from a column by Dr. Gifford-Jones (I guess “Dr.” is his or her first name) published in the Edmonton … Continue reading Reality Vs. Myths of Pet Euthanasia (Part 1)

Barbara Coombs-Lee and “Compassion” Join “Last Goodnights” Book Promotion

Yesterday, I wrote about Good Morning America‘s fawning rollout of John West and his memoir, “The Last Goodnights.” In the book, he claims to have facilitated/aided the suicides of both his father and mother about ten years ago. It turns out that West’s lone publicity tour is looking more like a bandwagon. Today, I found … Continue reading Barbara Coombs-Lee and “Compassion” Join “Last Goodnights” Book Promotion

ABC’s GMA Helps Author Promote Memoir and Assisted Suicide

ABC’s Good Morning America appears to have pulled out all the stops in helping attorney John West promote his recently-published book, “The Last Goodnights.” The book is a memoir detailing how he “assisted” the suicides of both his parents about ten years ago. Before I get into the specifics of the coverage, I’d like to … Continue reading ABC’s GMA Helps Author Promote Memoir and Assisted Suicide

U.K.: Brignell Column on Disability and Assisted Suicide Misses Several Points

Last week, New Statesman, a U.K. based magazine covering current affairs, published an essay by disability columnist Victoria Brignell. Unfortunately, “Assisted Death,” indicates she shares a lot of confusion with the very public she’s trying to educate about disability rights and “assisted death:” In recent years the media spotlight has fallen on a number of … Continue reading U.K.: Brignell Column on Disability and Assisted Suicide Misses Several Points

New Hampshire Poised to Redefine “Terminally Ill” – to PWDs and others for Assisted Suicide Eligibility

Well, advocates for assisted suicide in New Hampshire can say – with a straight face – that the bill they’ve introduced is limited to people with “terminal conditions.” The trick, of course, is that they’ve come up with a new and expansive definition of “terminal condition.” How expansive? Here’s a link to HB 304 – … Continue reading New Hampshire Poised to Redefine “Terminally Ill” – to PWDs and others for Assisted Suicide Eligibility