Elaine Marie Kolb – Haiku Against Medical Assisted Suicide: Ableism Kills Us

Poor, old, disabled

Weirdos, nuts, odd balls, queers, trash

All expendable


Abandoned, ignored

Ridiculed, isolated

Suffering alone


Give up, go away

We don’t want to look at you

Ugly, pitiful


So undignified

Unwanted, useless eaters

Waste of resources


Some fates worse than death

Rather be dead than like them

That isn’t living


Expensive burdens

Who would want to live like that?

Families are harmed


Death would be mercy

Ending so much suffering

Best for everyone


We help cats & dogs

Plus, they shoot horses, don’t they?

People need help, too


Canada provides

Medical euthanasia

Appointments to die


No muss, no fuss, done

Coming to a state near you

How wonderful


New growth industry

Euthanasia tourism

Schedule one way trips


Without this “service”

Death is unpredictable

Now—> have it YOUR way


Compassion? choices?

More like contempt, coercion

Euthanasia bound


They’ll take what they can get

Always push for more “choices”

Expect “tipping point”


Sneaky, deceptive

Focus on those sob stories

Pass something –> expand


Show me, where’s the “choice”?

When you can’t get what you need

They now offer death


Death upon request

Tired of living? free to go

Terminal options


Privileged people

White, well off, worried, & well

Want a well-planned death


Insurance issues

Inheritance, estate plans

Can’t be “suicide”


Don’t need “right to die”

Absolutely guaranteed

Simply fact of life


Still, no “right to life”

Miracle, mystery, gift

Embodied Spirit


Hospice goes both ways

As business, quite efficient

Solid bottom line


Hospice, as calling

Death doulas ease transitions

Uplifting, healing


Provide better care

Extreme cases make bad laws

Improve services


Palliative care

Treat & relieve pain sooner



Everyone matters

All kinds, forms, types, conditions

Precious, as we are


Every body counts

All ages, at all stages

We are dignified


*Dignity & pride

Equity for everyone

Embrace varieties


Celebrate Ourselves

Interdependent beings

We are beautiful


*Let’s Get Together

*Compassionate Inclusion

Room for everyone


Lift from the bottom

Every life deserves to live

Together We Rise


*Miracles Happen

Opening hearts, minds, & Souls

Breathe in, breath out


Co-create, affirm

Disability Justice



Resist & repeal

Assisted suicide laws



*Original songs by Elaine Marie Kolb

Peace with Disability Pride, Justice & JOY,

Elaine Marie Kolb

2 thoughts on “Elaine Marie Kolb – Haiku Against Medical Assisted Suicide: Ableism Kills Us

  1. Like it! Remember one chief resident at a prestigious!? Children’s hospital calling our kids “heads in beds” he thought it was funny. If you hate the people maybe you should get another line of work.

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