From Second Thoughts Massachusetts: Once again – assisted suicide proponents falter, MA legislation sent to study committee and gone from this year’s session

“If you pass this law, you will be putting the power of

who lives and who dies out of the individual’s hands

and into that of an unscrupulous society,

who do not think that we have lives worth living.”

~Kate Ryan, Autistic Self Advocacy Network


From John B. Kelly, Executive Director – Second Thoughts Massachusetts



We thank the cross disability, and mental health recovery communities for powerful and effective testimony against assisted suicide.  As assisted suicide goes down for the second time in two years, disability rights advocates are taking up the leading positions against assisted suicide.

Disability rights voices are now undeniable in the battle against assisted suicide, we join with medical societies and hospice associations against assisted suicide.

We thank the Joint Committee on Public Health for hearing our concerns on how dangerous assisted suicide is to ill and disabled people.  That’s twice in two years now that first voters and now the legislature has had second thoughts about assisted suicide.  Massachusetts is rightly seen as a leader in social issues, and its solid rejection of assisted suicide should be heard across the nation.

Disabled who experience depression can breathe easier, who might be depressed and feeling hopeless, or in an abusive situation.

A similar effort in the New Hampshire Legislature was also recently defeated.


One thought on “From Second Thoughts Massachusetts: Once again – assisted suicide proponents falter, MA legislation sent to study committee and gone from this year’s session

  1. The disability rights movement have become the key voice for defeating assisted suicide bills. Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts have become incredible leaders. Thank you.

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