Marilyn Golden in Sacramento Bee: Assisted Suicide Fraught with Consequences

On Sunday, July 14th, the Sacramento Bee published an excellent op-ed by Marilyn Golden countering a previously published piece promoting assisted suicide.  Here’s an excerpt from her response essay, titled “Assisted suicide fraught with consequences“:

Efforts to legalize assisted suicide have been attempted in California three times, each time failing due to broad bipartisan opposition that included major disability rights organizations, independent living groups, doctors, and civil rights and faith-based groups. Each bill failed because of precarious loopholes, dangerous provisions and insufficient oversight.

In Oregon and Washington, two states where assisted suicide is legal, there is virtually no oversight or regulatory authority. Just Google names such as Barbara Wagner, Kate Cheney or Randy Stroup and you will find tragic stories behind legalizing assisted suicide.

Please read the rest of her op-ed here.

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