Not Dead Yet Issues Statement in Support of ADAPT and the Community First Choice Option

As many of our readers know, Not Dead Yet has a close relationship with ADAPT, the grassroots disability activist group that is fighting for our right to stay in our own homes and not be forced into nursing facilities (we don’t call them nursing “homes” because they are not homes) and other institutions.  I hope you’ve seen the ADAPT/NDY ad in Times Square.  Even though long term care in people’s homes is less costly to the taxpayer than sticking people in nursing facilities, ADAPT has been fighting for 24 years to change entrenched public policies and win our right to freedom.

ADAPT won a major victory with the enactment of the Community First Choice Option, a Medicaid long term care option.  Now the focus is on getting each state to choose the CFC Option and implement it.  In New York, we are almost there, with the Governor and state Senate ready to go, but the Assembly is blocking a needed amendment to state nursing laws.

Today, ADAPT activists from NDY’s headquarters in Rochester have travelled to the state capitol to once again push for our freedom.  Not Dead Yet is with them in spirit, and calls on the disability community and our allies to join in supporting them.  To send a message to the NY Assembly, go here.

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