GREAT NEWS: Diane Coleman Transitioning to New Role as CEO of Not Dead Yet in August

…fford only one staff member – me – to write NDY’s blog, maintain a general online presence and handle the bulk of NDY-related media work. The complex politics of the assisted suicide issue placed serious limits on its financial resources. NDY’s initial concerns focused on the disability discrimination inherent in a society which labels some suicides as tragedies to be prevented, and others as “death with dignity” to be assisted, while denying peop…

Media Alert – Looks Like “Dr. Oz” Is Planning Slanted Show on Assisted Suicide

…the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and has received numerous awards for his medical work. On the other hand, as the wikipedia entry states, he was “awarded” the “2011 James Randi Educational Foundation Media Pigasus Award, which the foundation states is for promoting “nonsense”. The foundation complained about Oz’s support of energy medicine, faith healing and psychic mediums, among ot…

Followup – Corrects Errors in Euthanasia Story While Associated Press Ignores Its Errors

…es, we overwrite the previous version. We send separate corrective stories online as warranted. Great statement. The trouble is, it’s only as good if the organization actually follows the stated value and doesn’t just treat it as ethical windowdressing. The latter seems to the case at the AP. First of all, I had to go through at least four different people before I got someone who gave me an email address for the chief of European desk at the AP….

Press Release: NDY & 6 Other National Disability Groups Submit Friend-of-the-Court Brief in New Mexico Assisted Suicide Appeal

…ere.] On August 22, 2014, Not Dead Yet submitted a Disability Rights friend-of-the-court brief in support of the New Mexico Attorney General’s appeal seeking to overturn a district court ruling that the New Mexico constitution contains a right to assisted suicide (Morris v. King, Case No. 33,630, Court of Appeals of the State of New Mexico). Six other national disability rights organizations joined in the brief: ADAPT, the American Association of…

UK: ‘Locked-In’ Tony Nicklinson Loses Court Bid for Euthanasia; Second Thoughts and NDY in Coverage

…ing or transcript, but CNN isn’t very good about doing either of those for online content, at least in a consistent way. Later today – Friday, August 17th – there will be a Huffington Post live video online chat about the Nicklinson case that Diane Coleman will be doing with (we think) 3 other people on Huffpost Live for 20 minutes or so, around 3 pm ET. You can join the chat at this address:…