Peter Singer in NY Times Magazine: Disability Community Responds!

…ev. Nan Hildebrand Susan Houston Dania Jekel Bob Kafka Neil Kapit Denise Karuth Tom Keogh Molly King Joseph F. Kras, MD, DDS Sandra Gail Lambert Sharon Lamp Aubrie Lee Jessica Lehman Miriam Levine Victoria Lewis, Ph.D. Patricia Lockwood MS Madonna Long Ruth Deale Lowenkron Calvin Luker Tricia Luker Liz Lyons David K. March Patricia A Martin Theresa A. Martinosky Ben Mattlin Julie V. Maury Ryan McDuffee Eileen McGinn Tina Minkowitz, Esq. Jacinda Mo…

Important “New” ICAD Blog – and Important Info on Joe Biden

…on Abuse and Disabilities – a listserv that was populated by a broad spectrum of parents, professionals, academics and disability activists. This an important resource for anyone who wants to keep abreast of developments relating to the abuse of people with disabilities. Dick is currently the Director of the John Dossetor Health Ethics Center at the University of Alberta. You can read about Dick’s professional career and his “real life.” Both are…

More on Karen McCarron’s Sentence

…Debate April is autism month. I thought it appropriate to devote at least one Peoria Pundit Radio segment to debate on the myths and reality surrounding this condition. The next show is scheduled for 6 p.m. Friday — that’s two days from now. Autism certainly has been in the news recently, from Sen. John McCain jumping on the autism is caused by vaccines bandwagon, to Karen McCarron’ sentencing for killing her daughter with autism. So I’m hoping f…

Belated blog recommendation: “My life is unbearable – don’t fix it, just kill me,” by Clair Lewis

I’m still catching up with news and posts that came out during my unplanned hiatus. Last week, the Heresy Corner published a guest blog entry by Clair Lewis, a prominent disability rights activist in the UK. Below is the intro to “My life is unbearable – don’t fix it, just kill me“: Care staff had to help me out of bed this morning. It happens increasingly often these days, as my incurable disease and my unfit body’s slow ageing makes its mark. S…