Social Reverse Triage in Washington State

…ight to die “movement” considers itself a “movement” because their efforts today are just the beginning of where they plan to go in promoting assisted suicide and euthanasia. (see editor note at the end) People with disabilities in Washington state know it’s too easy for doctors to decide that a disability is a terminal illness. We know assisted suicide will be recommended for people with disabilities if it becomes legal. When I read materials fro…

Classic Reads: Libertarian Thomas Szasz Cuts Through the Crap on Assisted Suicide and Kevorkian

…emn Ashcroft’s move. Yet classic liberals and libertarians who respect the rule of law should applaud it. “Decisions about when and how to die are best left to patients … not legislators,” wrote Jerome Groopman of Harvard. I agree and wish it were so. The truth is that psychiatrists routinely prescribe involuntary “treatment” for patients whom they consider dangerous to themselves. Physician-assisted suicide laws permit doctors to write prescripti…

Massachusetts: Assisted Suicide Bill Hearing Tomorrow – Interesting Quotes from Paul Spiers

…ith Dignity, will be on the docket for a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, February 23, 2010 (next week), to be held at 1 pm in Room B1 at the Massachusetts State House in Boston. We contacted disability activists in the state. Even with such short notice, we should have at least one activist offering testimony at the hearing tomorrow. Hopefully, that can be shared here later this week. Earlier today, the Boston Herald published a short article about…

ADAPT in Chicago – Day 3 of Protests

…the room, which is crammed with ADAPTers. A “Free Our People” Banner is strung across the windows facing out, so it can be read by people passing by. Update 1:45 pm. Central I heard from Marsha Katz. The negotiations look like they went absolutely nowhere. Arrests have begun. Earlier, AFSCME reps at Council 31 in Chicago suggested the signing of a joint statement that contained some of the elements contained in this excerpt from a statement that…

UK: The Independent – “Disabled people need assistance to live, not die,” by Clair Lewis

…re probably getting familiar with the name and the writing of Clair Lewis. Today is another chance to read what she has to say about the recent developments in the UK. Writing in The Independent, Clair says “Disabled people need assistance to live, not die. “ Here’s the first part of her essay: There is a saying among disabled people that goes: “If it hurts, we know we’re alive”. Like most humans our natural instinct is not merely to survive but t…