Diane Coleman Counters Support for Assisted Suicide with Reality Check in Her Hometown Paper

…ake their own life to be helped along the way. However, those who are physically able to end their own lives have the constitutional right to do so.” Maybe it’s just the JD in me that needs to provide corrections: The Supreme Court actually ruled in 1997 that state laws against assisted suicide arenot unconstitutional, but did not declare assisted suicide unconstitutional and left the door open for states to legalize it. In addition, the physical

Press Release: NY Disability Advocates Testify Against Assisted Suicide Bill

…ed by Oregon patients requesting suicide pills had nothing to do with physical pain and suffering. These concerns were: decreasing ability to participate in enjoyable activities; loss of autonomy; and loss of dignity. The disability community strongly opposes the belief that requiring the assistance of another individual for activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing and toileting, is undignified or a legitimate reason for New York Stat…

Oppose the Legalization of Assisted Suicide!

…ed suicide! Assisted suicide is bad medicine, a prescription for abuse! So-called safeguards are hollow. Too dangerous: Many disability organizations and the American Medical Association oppose legalization If this bill passes, some people’s lives will be ended without their consent, through mistakes and abuse. No safeguards have ever been enacted or proposed that can prevent this outcome, which can never be undone. • Deadly mix: Assisted suicide…

Equality, Dignity, Diversity, Pride

…pride in being disabled. Activistas de derechos de discapacidad están manteniendo una vigilia de protesta no violenta de tres días en un encuentro internacional de organizaciones de eutanasia que se celebra en Chicago comenzando el 18 de septiembre de 2014. Es el Mes Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio, pero la Federación Mundial del Derecho a Morir dice que los viejos, los enfermos y las personas con discapacidad no deben recibir la misma preven

NDY Submits Public Comment On Proposed ACA Rule 1557 Change

…nd euthanasia as deadly forms of discrimination against disabled and chronically ill people. We are pleased to see the proposed amendments to Rule 1557, which will have a tangible, positive impact on disabled people in healthcare settings. As you continue in the rulemaking process, we ask that you consider the following barriers to equitable healthcare for disabled people, particularly discrimination related to clinical algorithms in healthcare de…