Sad News: The Passing of Disability Rights Attorney Andres Gallegos

…ready to say goodbye to him, his legacy, his love, and his impact on this world will stand the test of time. We appreciate the love and support from the many who were inspired by Dad, and by those who loved and knew him. As a family we will be taking to time reflect and heal. We plan to hold a celebration of his life and his legacy in the next few months. If you would like to honor Andrés and help continue his life’s work of advocating for the di…

Press Release: Disability Opposition to Assisted Suicide Bills Helped Secure Third Defeat In New England States This Session

…outspoken opponents.” Disability rights opposition was also a focus in US News and World Report. Alongside quotes from Not Dead Yet’s Coleman and Kelly, Marilyn Golden of the California-based Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund was quoted regarding the Connecticut bill, saying “This does not promote patient choice. It invites coercion.” As Second Thoughts Connecticut leader Cathy Ludlum told the Yale Daily News, the bill “would basically…

Hydrocephalus, Spina Bifida and Medical Killing – Current News from DRI and a History Supplement from Me

…human rights and full participation in society of people with disabilities worldwide.” There is, of course, a lot more to know and learn about the organization than that and I encourage people to explore DRI’s site at the links provided above. The message from Laurie Ahern regarded, in part, the baby boy seen in the picture below. The picture above is of a 6 month old boy lying in a crib whose head recently burst due to untreated hydrocephalus. Do…

Connecticut News: Strong Disability Advocacy and Great Result

…ed my Forum piece about this (, March 14, 2014. We continue to clearly see these bills for what they are: another piece of the medical cost-cutting agenda that seeks to “ration” health care for the most vulnerable among us — the poor, elderly and disabled. As a life-long activist for peace and justice, it is beyond my understanding how anyone claiming human rig…

Assisted Suicide News Story Includes NDY Protest In Albany

A June 30th Washington, D.C. news story, Medical aid in dying: States debate right-to-die laws, included a photo from a Not Dead Yet protest held at a press conference held by assisted suicide proponents which was covered in this blog in early May (Disability Activists Crash Pro-Assisted Suicide Press Conference). Though giving more space and first prominence to proponents, the June 30th article includes opponents in video interviews, photos and…