Assisted Suicide Is A Deadly Mix With Our Profit-Driven Healthcare System

…cut legislative website recording, beginning at 2 hours and 30 minutes. CT News Junkie also reported a central concept of the disability witnesses and quoted Elaine. People with disabilities have been among the bill’s most outspoken opponents. While supporters often refer to the legislation as “death with dignity,” some with disabilities see the term as a disparaging statement that likens a loss of faculties with a loss of dignity. “They are sayin…

Second Thoughts Connecticut Negotiates POLST/MOLST Legislation With Consumer Protections We Can Live With

…analysis and brought other research and materials to bear to negotiate and reach a consensus with Connecticut POLST advocates for a POLST bill that is as close to a model for the nation as we have seen. A news article about POLST and the Connecticut bill highlighted their success in reaching a balanced proposal to pilot their approach. We hope to see positive updates in the near future….

Press Release: Not Dead Yet and New York Disability Groups File Objections to NY Medicaid Proposal, Alleging It Would Steer People to Choose Death Over Disability to Save Health Dollars

…xperience and people adapt.” The letter, joined primarily by organizations run by people with disabilities themselves, as distinguished from family members and service professionals, envisions an alternative approach. “The role of healthcare professionals should be to provide accurate information and support to help people get past their fears and disability stereotypes,” said Coleman. “They should never leverage common societal prejudices against…

“Getting Away With Murder” – Australian Killers of Disabled People Get Sympathy from Public and Courts

…g, to see the usual green shoots of moral relativism in comments about the news on the weekend. What wasn’t expected was for such views to emerge on a social media space that specifically works to break the silence about violence and abuse of people with disability. “Who am I to judge?”; “There’s no wrongs or rights”; a “tragedy for everyone involved” were among the comments on the story. Hang on – a tragedy for “everyone” involved? Actually, it’s…

India – Newest Case of Person Demanding Treatment/Money or Euthanasia (“Your Money or My Life”)

…pical of the majority of euthanasia/”mercy killing” appeals that have made news in India over the past few years. I wrote about it back in 2008. Responding to the recommendations of a legal commission in India to legalize euthanasia on the grounds of “solace compassion, justice and humanism.” Here’s what I wrote at the time: Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Trouble is, it ignores the reality of the rash of highly-publicized pleas for “mercy killings” put…