The Murder of Katie McCarron

…athers who kill their kids — and Roy Rogers. READ ARTICLE from Ragged Edge Online. Why we shouldn’t blame the murders of disabled kids on lousy services Dick Sobsey, Director of the JP Das Developmental Centre at the University of Alberta, offers 11 reasons. Look for Annie, Abuse. In 1995, journalist David Rundle read of the murder of a 14-year-old girl with cerebral palsy — from starvation. He was appalled at the lack of passion with which the pe…

Diane Coleman Counters Support for Assisted Suicide with Reality Check in Her Hometown Paper

…icide. The three editorials can be viewed in their entirety in the paper’s online archive. They serve to remind us how little accurate information about the issue is out there in the mainstream media. The first opinion writer pointed out that Jack Kevorkian was arrested many times and found not guilty “until 1997, when the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for people who could not take their own life to be helped along the way. However, thos…

Please Support Not Dead Yet With a Year-End Donation

…or anything else. Not Dead Yet hasn’t had the cash to issue press releases online, to travel to venues where we can organize and/or educate others or to engage in many forms of advocacy and activism that just can’t be done without cash. While the debate over assisted suicide is often presented as a choice between the right to self determination on the one hand, and a strict, religious based “right to life” on the other, NDY’s analysis takes an ent…

GREAT NEWS: Diane Coleman Transitioning to New Role as CEO of Not Dead Yet in August

…fford only one staff member – me – to write NDY’s blog, maintain a general online presence and handle the bulk of NDY-related media work. The complex politics of the assisted suicide issue placed serious limits on its financial resources. NDY’s initial concerns focused on the disability discrimination inherent in a society which labels some suicides as tragedies to be prevented, and others as “death with dignity” to be assisted, while denying peop…

Media Alert – Looks Like “Dr. Oz” Is Planning Slanted Show on Assisted Suicide

…which the producer assured us was forwarded to the person in charge of the online surveys. I suspect that Dr. Oz, if confronted with the sloppiness, would throw some staffperson under the bus. But it’s all under his name and I’m sure he’s made it clear just how much detail they need to bother with – which in this case is not much. The link to the “survey” is here. Please feel free to fill it out and leave comments. Maybe they’ll even read them. Th…