Breaking News: Billionaire Buys the Rights to Livestream Assisted Suicide of Cancer Patient

…tells it, the idea did not originate with him but with the Ivanisovich family. “Originally, I was approached by one of my staff to help Nikolai out with medical expenses,” he told AVN. “I did so. We exchanged some emails and that was it. Once his health started to deteriorate his wife Uryna asked me to pay for his assisted end of life. It was her suggestion in fact that we stream it. So I agreed. Most of the great ideas on BattleCam come from the…

Suicide Promotion During Suicide Prevention Week – Blog from Wesley Smith and a Little More from Me

…e.” What you just read was a suicide prevention professional throwing elderly people under the bus. But we already knew that. Mostly, I want to break the silence of the suicide prevention organizations. But part of me is really concerned that when and if they do break their silence it will be to do what the Ms. Springer above did – throw old, ill and disabled people under the bus. But if that happens, at least we’ll know how little our lives are v…

RESEARCH – Study finds that antisocial personality traits linked to embracing utilitarian ethics – (like those promoted by Peter Singer)

…ow, when Singer and others lay it out, it really sounds logical – bloodlessly and brutally without any kind of empathy – but logical. It’s a point of view in which every person who makes a choice about killing someone else for the greater good is operating from the purest of motives. That’s always sounded quite a bit removed from the world I inhabit, in which people make choices – including life-changing ones – for reasons that range from heroic t…

India – Newest Case of Person Demanding Treatment/Money or Euthanasia (“Your Money or My Life”)

…uite a bit on material from the Thaddeus Pope‘s Medical Futility Blog. Mostly it’s because Pope is really good at digging out stories that fly under the radar of most of us. More than occasionally, he’ll write something that is too tempting to ignore. That’s true with his latest blog entry, regarding the newest request by a citizen of India to be euthanized if they can’t get aid or treatment for the condition or disability they have. Pope’s blog p…

Disability Activists, Advocates and Others Pile on Time Magazine’s Error-Filled Kevorkian Tribute

…. But Time never did let the facts get in the way of a good story. John Kelly is also the Director of the newly formed Second Thoughts, an organization so new its webpage currently consists of the group’s initial press release. The organization consists of people with disabilities opposed to legalization of assisted suicide and are mobilizing opposition to the Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Initiative. In addition to these folks, Lake County RTL,…