California Assisted Suicide Law Is Denounced By Leading Disability Rights Policy Center

…sk, and does not require patients requesting lethal drugs to receive a mental health evaluation, provides for no investigation of abuse, and requires no neutral witness to be present when the lethal drugs are taken. Because the dangers are so significant, many national disability organizations, plus the American Medical Association (AMA), also oppose the legalization of assisted suicide. DREDF is part of the Californians Against Assisted Suicide c…

John Kelly’s Full Written Testimony In Opposition to New Jersey Assisted Suicide Bill

…h Dignity Act are for naught.” Americans place tremendous value on individual, autonomous choice, whereas policy makers must recognize the social realities that affect people’s health and healthcare decision-making. When people become ill and dependent, their desire to live or die is affected by the level of support they receive. Of course this is true! Oregonian Kathryn Judson wrote of bringing her seriously ill husband to the doctor. “I collapse…

John Kelly: Movies Can Send A Dangerous Message About Suicide and Disability

…bility to adjust to circumstances as long as we are provided with love, support, and opportunities. We disabled people proclaim that suicidal people, disabled or not, deserve the same suicide-prevention services as teenagers, the only target of most states’ anti-suicide programs. It was heartening at our protests to receive so much support from moviegoers and passersby. People took pictures of us, decided to ditch the film after talking to us, and…

Disability Rights Organizations Statement Opposing Assisted Suicide Laws and Supporting Health Care

…ws also lead to suicide contagion, driving up the general suicide rate. We all already have the right to good pain relief, including palliative sedation if dying in pain. Because the dangers and harms are so significant, many national disability and medical organizations oppose assisted suicide laws, and many legislatures have repeatedly rejected them. ADAPT American Association of People With Disabilities Association of Programs for Rural Indepen…

NDY Urges AMA To Affirm Longstanding Opposition to Legalizing Assisted Suicide

…est for a lethal prescription and death. This is on page 7 of the 2015 annual report.[5] In 2015, at least one person lived 517 days; across all years, the longest reported duration between the request for assisted suicide and death was 1009 days. In every year except the first year, the reported upper range is significantly longer than 180 days. The definition of “terminal” in the statute only requires that the doctor predict that the person will…