Written Testimony of Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware NDY, Opposing HB 150

…sabilities who may be vulnerable and without the sort of support and control assisted suicide proponents take for granted, innocent people who would be impacted by this piece of bad social policy. Invidious quality-of-life judgments have no place in social policy.   Reject this bill and the discrimination it promotes.   Thank you very much.   Daniese McMullin-Powell, 24 South Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702…

Josue Rodriguez of Tennessee NDY Opposing SB 1362/HB 1040 – Written Testimony

…who would be impacted by this piece of bad social policy. Invidious quality-of-life judgments have no place in social policy.   Reject this bill and the discrimination it promotes.   Thank you very much.   Josue Rodriguez Links to Sources, listed in order cited:   Victoria Reggie Kennedy, “Q2 is simplistic, wrong,” Berkshire Eagle, October 30, 2012 http://tinyurl.com/nxh8lg7   Jeanette Hall, “She pushed for legal right to die, and – thankfully – w…

John Kelly’s Testimony for Second Thoughts MA Opposing DC Assisted Suicide Bill B21-38

…ed to a considered rejection of assisted suicide, we urge you to reject B21-38 because of the real-world threats it poses.   If this bill passes, innocent people stand to lose their lives without their consent, through mistakes and abuse. There are no safeguards now in place or ever proposed that can prevent this tragically irreversible outcome.   Doctors misdiagnose and give incorrect prognoses, frequently. In the disability community, we have ma…

NDY Activities

…our latest blog entries on our home page or visit our blog archives. Friend-of-the-Court briefs Not Dead Yet files friend-of-the-court briefs in cases that relate to the organization’s goals, opposing assisted suicide and hospital futility policies, and advocating for constitutional and civil rights limits on the powers of surrogate decision makers to withhold life sustaining treatment. Read moreabout our Court Briefs . Public Presentations Not De…

John Kelly: Revised How-To Guide for Urging Veto if CA Assisted Suicide Bill; Talking Points

…e more to Medi-Cal, but will fully fund the only medical “choice” less well-to-do people and people of color never asked for. Suicide for certain people must never be declared a social benefit! Now we have the chance to win an historic victory for social justice and disability rights. If this bill becomes law, some people’s lives will be ended without their consent, through mistakes and abuse. No safeguards have ever been enacted or proposed that…