Important News From NDY UK: Noel Conway Loses His Assisted Suicide Court Case

…ooking at the picture of Noel Conway wearing a breathing mask like mine in today’s Guardian article “Terminally ill Noel Conway loses challenge to assisted dying ban“, I can’t help but feel a profound sense of relief. I acknowledge that acquiring a progressive neuromuscular disability later in life as Conway did is different than growing up with one as I did, but his claim of being “entombed” by his illness is more a reflection of his personal psy…

American Medical News – “Kevorkian leaves mixed legacy” (NDY Quoted)

…e excerpts from the article Dr. Kevorkian leaves mixed legacy by Carolyne Krupa: The death of pathologist Jack Kevorkian, MD, left many pondering the long-term influence of a highly controversial figure and what role he may have played in transforming the nation’s perception of dying. Some think his aggressive push for physician-assisted suicide forced the medical profession to take a closer look at care of the terminally ill. But others say Dr. K…

Connecticut News: Strong Disability Advocacy and Great Result

…ed my Forum piece about this (, March 14, 2014. We continue to clearly see these bills for what they are: another piece of the medical cost-cutting agenda that seeks to “ration” health care for the most vulnerable among us — the poor, elderly and disabled. As a life-long activist for peace and justice, it is beyond my understanding how anyone claiming human rig…

ABC News: NDY’s Stephen Drake Interviewed for Stephen Hawking Story and additional info/context

…been the case with me,” he told the interviewer, according to the Guardian newspaper. Advocates said his position reversal will help fuel more acceptance of physician-assisted death in the United States. But a prominent disability group opposed to favorable laws in Oregon, Washington state and Montana, said Hawking’s words should not trump the “millions” of disabled Americans who say legalized “suicide” makes them more vulnerable. Hawking, now 71…

Second Thoughts MA protest gains important news coverage

…ell Paye, Jon Ball, John Robinson and Dr. Rich Florentine. The State House News Service (SHNS) provided unusually balanced coverage of the disability led demonstration against the assisted suicide bill currently before the Massachusetts legislature. While it is all too common to see only a brief paragraph or sentence about opponents near the end of a lengthy article favoring physician assisted suicide laws, SHNS started with and frequently returne…