NY Court of Appeals Rally – Two Photos and Coverage

…during oral argument in the case, favorably, by counsel for the Attorney General and by one of the Justices. The recorded webcast of the argument is scheduled to be posted online on the Court’s website next week. Two photos are below, followed by some links to news coverage. Two additional photos appeared in the Albany Times Union story, though the disability advocates were not mentioned in the text. Eight disability advocates lined up on sidewal

Disability Advocates Applaud New Mexico Supreme Court Ruling In Assisted Suicide Case

…legitimate interests in (1) protecting the integrity and ethics of the medical profession; (2) protecting vulnerable groups—including the poor, the elderly, and disabled persons—from the risk of subtle coercion and undue influence in end-of-life situations, including pressures associated with the substantial financial burden of end-of-life health care costs; and (3) protecting against voluntary or involuntary euthanasia because if physician aid in…

NDY’s Public Comment on Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Regulations

…d a groundbreaking report condemning third party decisions to withhold medical treatment including hydration and nutrition from individuals with disabilities without a terminal condition or permanent unconsciousness as a denial of the basic constitutional and civil rights of individuals with disabilities. NDRN is the national association of the federally funded disability protection and advocacy agencies in all 50 states, charged to protect the ci…

John Kelly: Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts make strong showing at Rhode Island hearing

…reality is that the bill is almost certainly dead, although it could technically be brought forward at any time. Emily testified that the bill would immediately endanger people experiencing depression, citing the example of Oregonian Michael Freeland, who despite a 43 year history of suicide attempts and depression, easily got a prescription for the lethal drugs. Against the C & C strategy of presenting personal stories of pain and agony, Emily te…

John Kelly’s Testimony for Second Thoughts MA Opposing DC Assisted Suicide Bill B21-38

…er disabled or not. Drawing on those same principles, we supported the medical marijuana ballot question in 2012 of the relief it brings to many disabled people.   We chose our name Second Thoughts because we find that many people, once they delve below the surface appeal of assisted suicide, have “second thoughts” and oppose it. In Massachusetts a month before the election, 68% of voters supported the ballot question. But just as closer looks in…