ADAPT Wins Meeting with Leadership Conference on Civil Rights to Address Disconnect Between Disability Rights and Broader Civil Rights Movement

…ural allies have in fact taken positions that undercut the basic civil and human rights of persons with disabilities,” said Bruce Darling.   Examples of such disregard for our rights include: Progressive and civil rights organizations strongly promoted changes in federal labor rules that undercut the right of and opportunities for people with disabilities to live in the community;   Unions have fought against community integration efforts by the d…

It’s (Long Past) Time for the U.S. To Ratify the United Nations Disability Treaty

…war politics. Article 10 simply states: States Parties reaffirm that every human being has the inherent right to life and shall take all necessary measures to ensure its effective enjoyment by persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others. Not Dead Yet’s concerns about futility policies, surrogate decision-making and assisted suicide all pertain to the notion that persons with disabilities have the same inherent right to live as everyone…

New Jersey Senate Committee Shuts Out Disability Rights Community from Assisted Suicide Hearing

…& Defense Fund Stephen Mendelsohn, Organizer, Second Thoughts Connecticut Ruthie Poole, President, MPOWER Massachusetts Diane Coleman, President/CEO, Not Dead Yet Amy Hasbrouck, Toujours-Vivant/Not Dead Yet Canada W. Carol Cleigh, former Not Dead Yet Board Chair Denise Karuth, disability rights advocate Cathy Ludlum, Organizer, Second Thoughts Connecticut Meghan Schrader Karen Schneiderman, Boston Center for Independent Living The Committee is no…

Not Dead Yet Letter to Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network to Comment on Bylaws Plain Language Rewrite

…ewed as rightly theirs—organs that would have a salutary effect on another human being. I use the word “hover” deliberately, if a bit provocatively, because that is how families of many brain injury patients viewed it. I know this from interviews with more than 40 families, each with a member who had a disorder of consciousness, who came to Weill Cornell Medical College for enrollment in neuroimaging and EEG studies designed to elucidate mechanism…

Bloggers Remember Paul Longmore

…dChron – the Alternative San Francisco online daily. Bess, at The Right to Design, shares a long remembrance of Paul. CDCAN – California Disability Community Action Network issued a short press release. Ben Mattlin shares some thoughts and dedicates part 14 of “Miracle Boy” to Paul Longmore. Martina has written “Memorium” – a poem for Paul Longmore on the Breaks in the Verse blog. Beth Haller at Media dis&dat has a long tribute – and some short re…