GREAT NEWS: Diane Coleman Transitioning to New Role as CEO of Not Dead Yet in August

Diane Coleman Transitioning to New Role as CEO of Not Dead Yet in August Most readers of this blog and anyone else who is familiar with NDY knows that Diane Coleman is the founder and President of the group. On August 1, 2011, Diane Coleman will transition to a new role as the full time President/CEO Chief Executive Officer of Not Dead Yet. She has served as its volunteer President since its inception, while simultaneously working first as the Ex…

RELEASE: NDY and Autistic Self-Advocacy Network Announce Day of Mourning for Disabled Victims of Domestic Violence

…lity,” said Ms. Gross. “This is the view that was aired on Canadian Global News and in many news articles covering the murder of George Hodgins. Many people are quick to justify the murder of a disabled person when they would offer no such justification if the murder victim were not disabled.” ASAN and Not Dead Yet have declared a National Day of Mourning in response to George Hodgins’ murder, Robert Latimer’s television appearance and what they d…

With National Day of Mourning, Disability Community Remembers Disabled Victims of Domestic Violence

…lity,” said Ms. Gross. “This is the view that was aired on Canadian Global News and in many news articles covering the murder of George Hodgins. Many people are quick to justify the murder of a disabled person when they would offer no such justification if the murder victim were not disabled.” ASAN and Not Dead Yet have declared a National Day of Mourning in response to George Hodgins’ murder, Robert Latimer’s television appearance and what they d…

News From Gallup, But Pew Study is Better

A new Gallup report is entitled “Seven in 10 Americans Back Euthanasia,” but that’s a misleading opening. First, the question was: “When a person has a disease that cannot be cured, do you think doctors should be allowed by law to end the patient’s life by some painless means if the patient and his or her family request it?” According to the poll, 69% say “yes,” down from 75% in 2005. Support drops to 58% when the Gallup question is: “When a pers…

Bad News: Vermont Legislature Passes Assisted Suicide Bill

…h a bill because of their opposition to a state-run program, provided the crucial votes. The Burlington Free Press reports: With the Senate’s passage, the bill goes back to the House, where it is scheduled to hit the floor Saturday, the last planned day of the 2013 legislative session. House Speaker Shap Smith, D-Morristown, said he expects the majority will go along with the Senate version, sending it to a supportive Gov. Peter Shumlin. It would…