Statement of Not Dead Yet (USA) In Opposition To Tasmanian Proposal For Voluntary Assisted Dying

…are getting lethal prescriptions – up to 1009 days have passed between the request for a lethal prescription and death. One of the many things the reports hide is specifically how many lived longer than 180 days (i.e. six months, which is defined as “terminal”), but we do know that there’s no consequence to the assisting doctors, no matter how many were not actually terminal. All of these people were disabled.   Proponents of assisted suicide also…

Lisa Blumberg: Life, Liberty and Security in Canada – Is this the way we are headed?

…c-end-of-life-legislation-and-medically-assisted-dying-in-truchon/ https://montrealgazette….

Cathy Ludlum Testifies – “Many people are hanging on by a thread.”

…l Aid in Dying (ACAMAID), Aid in Dying Ethics Consultation Service 4 Fabian Stahle, “Oregon Health Authority Reveals Hidden Problems with the Oregon Assisted Suicide Model” 5 “Diabetics Eligible for Physician Assisted Suicide Oregon, ” The Washington Times https://www.washingtonti…

Time Magazine Article Misrepresents Final Exit Network and Who They “Help”

…analysis of Kevorkian’s “clients” and his practices. It’s still available online at: There are more recent journal articles that contain analyses yielding similar results, although not as accessible. I can provide these on request. It’s possible to give Ms. Bowers a “pass” on the mischaracterization of Kevorkian, since most in the media seem to be strangely amnes…

Denounce Lethal Anti-Disability Healthcare Policy Advocated by Peter Singer (

…ng of severely disabled infants should be encouraged to reduce health-care costs. “Do you think in the future in order to ensure a more fair rationing of health-care and health-care costs,” asked Klein, “that it should actually be instituted more? The killing of severely disabled babies?” Singer responded, by stating if “you had a health-care system in which governments were trying to say, “Look, there are some things that don’t provide enough ben…